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Monday, June 18, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Carl Schurz: "I beg you to be assured that your having supported Gov. Seward, in preference to myself in the convention, is not even remembered by me for any practical purpose, or the slightest u[n]pleasant feeling. I go not back of the convention, to make distinctions among its' members; and, to the extent of our limited acquaintance, no man stands nearer my heart than yourself." Lincoln thanks Oran Follett of Sandusky for his interest "in the cause," and is aware of the matter on which he wrote, Seward "corruption." He writes Richard W. Thompson of Indiana that Thompson should talk to Henry Winter Davis of Maryland. Abraham Lincoln to Carl Schurz, 18 June 1860, CW, 4:78-79; Abraham Lincoln to Oran Follett, 18 June 1860, CW, 4:78; Abraham Lincoln to Richard W. Thompson, 18 June 1860, CW, 4:79.