Results 13 entries found

Wednesday, August 8, 1832.+-

New Salem, IL.

Lincoln writes and signs a note certifying that John M. Rutledge "served as a private in the company under my command" during the Black Hawk War. Lincoln signs the note, "A Lincoln. Capt". Certificate of Discharge for John M. Rutledge, 8 August 1832, RG 15, Entry 26: Records of the Bureau of Pensions and the Pension Service, Bureau of Pensions Correspondence and Pension Bounty Land Case Files Relating to Military Service Performed Between 1775 and 1861, Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, Case Files of Bounty Land Warrant Applications Based On Service Between 1812 and 1855 and Disapproved Applications Based on Revolutionary War Service, 1800-1900, National Archives Building, Washington, DC

Thursday, August 8, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln's letter written yesterday to Thomas Bohannan of Louisville, Kentucky is postmarked August 8, 1839.Photocopy.

Thursday, August 8, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln buys $7.37 in merchandise.Irwin Ledger.

Friday, August 8, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Reports are filed and approved in three chancery cases in which Logan & Lincoln represent complainant: Hill v. McCondy; Rhea v. Rhea heirs; A. G. Henry, administrator of Isaac C. Whitwell.Record.

Tuesday, August 8, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln reports resolution from Post Office Committee, moves its passage and speaks briefly. It is tabled.Globe.

"I am remaining here for two weeks to frank documents," he writes to William Schouler, editor of Boston Atlas. "Now that the Presidential candidates are all set, I will thank you for your undisguised opinion as to what New England generally, and Massachusetts particularly will do."Abraham Lincoln to William Schouler, [8?] August 1848, CW, 1:516.

Thursday, August 8, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln receives letter from John Addison, who has tried in vain to secure appointment from Whig administration in Washington. Addison informs Lincoln that some letters recommending him for commissioner were withheld at time Butterfield was appointed. Abraham Lincoln to John Addison, 9 August 1850, CW, 2:91-92.

Friday, August 8, 1856.+-

Charleston, IL.

Nearly 6,000 people attend Fremont and Bissell meeting. Archer, Bromwell, and Lincoln are listened to "with marked attention and approbation." Illinois State Journal, 13 August 1856.

Monday, August 8, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Mrs. Lincoln buys goods and thread at Smith's. Pratt, Personal Finances, 152, 158.

Wednesday, August 8, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Illinois Republicans hold immense rally to celebrate Lincoln's nomination. Thousands attend. Giant morning procession passes Lincoln residence; he reviews it from his doorway. In afternoon there is speaking from five stands at fair grounds. Lincoln appears, declines to make speech, and escapes on horseback. More speeches are made in evening at Wigwam and state house. Lincoln endorses pardon petition of Buckner S. Morris to Gov. Wood. Illinois State Journal, 9 August 1860; Remarks at a Republican Rally, Springfield, Illinois, 8 August 1860, CW, 4:91-92; Endorsement: Buckner S. Morris to John Wood concerning Pardon of Patrick Cunningham, [8 August 1860], CW, 4:92.

Thursday, August 8, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President and Postmaster General Montgomery Blair visit Navy Yard to observe experiments with Maynard's rifle and Alexander's cartridge. National Republican (Washington, DC), 9 August 1861, 3:3; New York Herald, 9 August 1861.

Lincoln reviews Col. Daniel E. Sickles' New York Brigade and two Wisconsin regiments. N.Y. Times, 9 August 1861.

Interviews Edward Ellsworth, 4th Regiment Michigan Volunteers, cousin of late Col. Ellsworth, who wishes to be a second lieutenant, and writes Sec. Cameron: "I shall be glad if a place can be found for him." Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, 8 August 1861, CW, 4:479.

President Lincoln writes to Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase and requests "respectful consideration" for Elias Leonard. Lincoln explains, "It is said that . . . Leonard lost his situation as a clerk in a Mercantile House by serving a term in the District volunteers for us; and his young wife calls, to ask a clerkship for him in your Dept." Lincoln marks the envelope, "From the President asking interview for Mrs. Leonard." Abraham Lincoln to Salmon P. Chase, 8 August 1861, RG 56, Entry 210: Part II, Records of Various Divisions within the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, Records of the Division of Appointments, Correspondence of the Division, Applications and Recommendations for Positions in the Washington, D. C. Offices of the Treasury Department, 1830-1910, National Archives, College Park, MD.

Thomas M. Key, volunteer aide to Gen. McClellan, delivers to President copy of McClellan's letter to Gen. Scott. McClellan to Scott, 8 August 1861, George B. McClellan Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

[Willie and Tad Lincoln, dressed in Zouave uniforms, camp out between the Executive Mansion and the State Department in new patent iron tents. National Republican (Washington, DC), 10 August 1861, 3:2.]

Friday, August 8, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Cabinet meeting—"nothing proposed and nothing done of any moment." Salmon P. Chase, Diary and Correspondence of Salmon P. Chase, Compiled by Samuel H. Dodson, American Historical Association, Annual Report for the Year 1902, vol. 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1903).

President directs secretary of war to issue order for arrest of persons engaged in discouraging enlistments. Memorandum, 8 August 1862, Edwin M. Stanton Papers, Library of Congress, Washington DC.

Senator Dixon (Conn.) confers with Lincoln about Connecticut politics. Dixon to Lincoln, 11 August 1862, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Lincoln assures Baron de Stoeckl that although enlistments are slow, two or three million men will respond in case of necessity. Albert A. Woldman, Lincoln and the Russians (Cleveland: World Publishing Co., 1952), 196.

Sends congratulations to Queen Victoria upon marriage of daughter. Abraham Lincoln to Queen Victoria, 8 August 1862, CW, 5:363.

In evening at Soldiers' Home Mrs. Heintzelman discusses with Lincoln her husband's opposition to withdrawal of Army of Potomac from peninsula. Journal, Samuel P. Heintzelman Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

[John Hay is ill with ague fever. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 8 August 1862, 2d ed., 2:2.]

Saturday, August 8, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President sends Gov. Peirpoint (Va.) to Portsmouth, Va., to aid destitute families. Abraham Lincoln to John G. Foster, 8 August 1863, CW, 6:371.

President Lincoln writes to his wife Mary and relays news to her and their son Tad. He writes, "Tell dear Tad, poor 'Nanny Goat,' is lost; and [the housekeeper] Mrs. Cuthbert & I are in distress...The day you left Nanny was found resting...and chewing her little cud, on the middle of Tad's bed. But now she's gone! The gardener kept complaining that she destroyed the was concluded to bring her down to the White House. This was done, and the second day she had disappeared, and has not been heard of since." Abraham Lincoln to Mary Todd Lincoln, 8 August 1863, CW, 6:371-72; Justin G. Turner and Linda Levitt Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln: Her Life and Letters (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972), 99.

Monday, August 8, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Sec. Seward arranges 12 M. meeting for President with Count Piper. Seward to Lincoln, 5 August 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Col. Bowman will arrive from Baltimore, accompanied by Lev. E. Straughn, commissioner to examine claims of owners of slaves enlisted in army. Bowman to Lincoln, 6 August 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

President explains to Gen. Stephen G. Burbridge at Lexington, Ky., that paper was given Emily Todd Helm to protect her against mere fact of her being Gen. Helm's widow, and not against consequences of disloyalty. "If the paper given her by me can be construed to give her protection for such words or acts, it is hereby revoked pro tanto. Deal with her for current conduct, just as you would with any other." Abraham Lincoln to Stephen G. Burbridge, 8 August 1864, CW, 7:484-85.

Writes Horace Greeley: "I telegraphed you Saturday. Did you receive the despatch? Please answer." Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley, 8 August 1864, CW, 7:485.