Results 20 entries found

Wednesday, December 3, 1834.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Gov. Joseph Duncan is sworn in and delivers address to Senate and House. He favors system of common schools, but unlike Gov. Ewing, favors canal rather than railroad between Illinois River and Chicago. He is noncommittal on state bank. Lincoln votes nay on printing 5,000 copies of governor's address.House Journal.

Monday, December 3, 1838.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln attends opening of Eleventh General Assembly. He is nominated by Whigs for speaker, but beaten on fourth ballot by W. L. D. Ewing of Fayette. Six members are absent—three Whigs, one Conservative, two Democrats. Lincoln gets 38 votes out of 85 on four ballots.House Journal.

Tuesday, December 3, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is admitted to practice in U.S. Circuit Court by Judge Pope.Record.

Lawyers in attendance are Logan, Breese, Butterfield, Baker, Gatewood, Field, Williams, Cole, Douglas, Levi Davis, G. T. M. Davis, Foreman, and some 20 others.Quincy Whig, 14 December 1839.

Thursday, December 3, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

In Circuit Court, Harrison v. Hart et al. is submitted to Judge William Thomas of First Judicial District, by agreement. Logan and Baker represent complainant, Lincoln and Campbell defendants. In Spear et al. v. Newton & Newton, court orders auditor to pay complainant, Lincoln's client, $820.39 and defendant $350.Record.

No roll calls are taken, so it is not known if Lincoln attends legislature, where he is appointed to special committee with Gillespie and Bissell to negotiate loan from state bank to pay interest due January 1, 1841.Quincy Whig, 19 December 1840.

Friday, December 3, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Six cases are won by default by Logan & Lincoln on last day of term. Whitney v. Taylor et al. comes up for fifth time this term. By agreement, injunction is made perpetual and defendant is to pay costs. Court awards Matthew Rogers, Lincoln's client, land in payment of notes held of Francis and Sandford in uncontested case of Rogers v. Francis et al.Record.

Saturday, December 3, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Logan & Lincoln appear in the U.S. District Court as solicitors of William L. Wilmans. Judge Pope grants the bankruptcy petition and sets March 6, 1843, for final hearing in In re Wilmans.Record.

Wednesday, December 3, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and signs assignment of errors in Rysinger and Nye v. Cheney (SC).Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Thursday, December 3, 1846.+-

Petersburg, IL.

In People v. Ammai Merrill, indictment for giving payment in counterfeit coin, jury finds defendant guilty; he is sentenced to three years. Lincoln, Herndon, and Robbins appear for defendant. Record.

Lincoln writes affidavit in People v. Lane. Photocopy.

Friday, December 3, 1847.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln writes to David A. Smith, who represents the St. Louis Perpetual Insurance Company. Smith seeks Lincoln's help in collecting money that U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas owes to the company. Lincoln explains, "This is my first day at this place, & on reaching here I found your letter in relation to your business with Douglass. I met him afterwards, but disliking to dunn him at the first meeting with him, I let it pass . . . I will attend to it shortly however & write you." Account Book, 10 November 1847, Private Collection; Abraham Lincoln to David A. Smith, 3 December 1847, CW, 1:416.

Monday, December 3, 1849.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Federal courts convene in Springfield. Illinois Journal.]

Friday, December 3, 1852.+-

Ottawa, IL.

Lincoln and Johnston take oath prescribed in act of legislature of June 22, 1852, whereby they were appointed commissioners to hear canal claims (see November 2, 1852). Edwin S. Leland, judge of Ninth Circuit, administers oath. Illinois Reports, 1853, No. 9.

Saturday, December 3, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

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Monday, December 3, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

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Wednesday, December 3, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

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Saturday, December 3, 1859.+-

Leavenworth, Kansas Territory.

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Monday, December 3, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

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Tuesday, December 3, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

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Wednesday, December 3, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

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Thursday, December 3, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

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Saturday, December 3, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

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