Results 15 entries found

Wednesday, February 26, 1834.+-

New Salem, IL.

[New Salem Temperance Society meets; speaker is Thomas J. Nance.IHi—Copy of minutes.]

Tuesday, February 26, 1839.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln votes for bills providing branch railroad to Carlinville from Alton & Shelbyville, and for additional $50,000 to be added to $100,000 appropriated for Rock River improvement. He votes yea on bill relocating penitentiary, and nay on act regulating tavern licenses. License bill fails.House Journal.

Friday, February 26, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Petition of John Stuart presented by Lincoln is referred to select committee of Lincoln, Woodson of Greene, and Threlkeld of Coles. When Wickliffe Kitchell of Montgomery opposes Lincoln's canal bill amendment, Lincoln tells story of man who kept firing at squirrel in tree that turned out to be a louse on his eyebrow. Lincoln and 34 other House Whigs sign protest against judiciary reorganization.House Journal; Remarks in Illinois Legislature Concerning a Bill for Completion of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, 26 February 1841, CW, 1:243-44; Whig Protest in Illinois Legislature Against the Reorganization of the Judiciary, 26 February 1841, CW, 1:244-49.

Saturday, February 26, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

XML error in Log entry

Monday, February 26, 1849.+-

Washington, DC.

[Lincoln's name does not appear on roll call.]

Wednesday, February 26, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Isaac Gibson, secretary of Alton & Sangamon, that company books must be introduced in trial if cases are to be won. Abraham Lincoln to Isaac Gibson, 26 February 1851, CW, 2:101.

Saturday, February 26, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes two legal forms for taking deposition in Wallace v. Witmer & Langford, Sangamon Circuit Court case. Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Friday, February 26, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

In U.S. Circuit Court case of Cochran & Hall v. Camp et al., Lincoln endorses plaintiffs' notice of application for dedimus: "We acknowledge service of the above on this 26 day of Feb. 1858 Lincoln & Herndon for defts who have answered." Files.

Saturday, February 26, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes bill of complaint in Rockwell et al. v. Dubois et al.Emanuel Hertz, Abraham Lincoln: A New Portrait, 2 vols. (New York: Liveright, 1931), 734-50.

Sunday, February 26, 1860.+-

New York, NY.

Lincoln attends church with Henry C. Bowen and writes to Simon Cameron regretting that he did not meet Cameron and Wilmot in Philadelphia Saturday. Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, 26 February 1860, CW, 3:521.

Tuesday, February 26, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Accompanied by son Robert and John G. Nicolay, private secretary to President-elect, Lincoln takes long walk shortly after sunrise. Interviews two committees representing former Gov. Nathaniel P. Banks (Mass.) and urging his appointment as secretary of war. Sen.-elect Ira Harris (N.Y.) calls on Lincoln in afternoon. Lincoln receives memorials from New York and Boston publishers requesting appointment of Cong. Schuyler Colfax (Ind.) as postmaster general. N.Y. Times, 27 February 1861.

Visits Senate to confer with Republican leaders. N.Y. Tribune, 27 February 1861.

Holds interview for several hours with Gov. Thomas H. Hicks (Md.), Sen. Douglas (Ill.), and others who recommend that he interpose his influence for settlement of pending difficulties. Baltimore Sun, 28 February 1861.

Replies to Sen. Trumbull (Ill.), and Congs. Washburne (Ill.) and Anson Burlingame (Mass.), committee of Congress reporting electoral count. Reply to Committee of Congress Reporting the Electoral Count, 26 February 1861, CW, 4:246.

[Irwin withdraws $98.68 from Springfield Marine Bank. Pratt, Personal Finances, 176.]

Mrs. Lincoln receives friends from 3 to 4 P.M. and from 8 to 10 P.M. Washington National Republican, 27 February 1861.

Wednesday, February 26, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President, by military order pursuant to act of Congress, takes over all telegraph lines. National Intelligencer, 26 February 1862.

Interviews Gen. McClellan, about to start for Harper's Ferry, Va. McClellan to War Dept., undated, 8981, George B. McClellan Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Submits to Congress correspondence with "the Major King of Siam," and asks proper place for deposit of gifts received. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate and House of Representatives, 26 February 1862, CW, 5:137.

Tad Lincoln no longer on critical list. Mrs. Lincoln improving but still confined to her room. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 26 February 1862, 2d ed., 2:1.

Thursday, February 26, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President interviews William W. Danenhower, Chicago attorney who wants to be fourth auditor of treasury. Memorandum: Appointment of William W. Danenhower, 26 February 1863, CW, 6:118.

Receives request from Gen. Cassius M. Clay to push his nomination to Court of St. Petersburg in spite of congressional objection. Albert A. Woldman, Lincoln and the Russians (Cleveland: World Publishing Co., 1952), 121-22.

Atty. Gen. Bates consults with Lincoln at War Dept. about antidraft riots in Missouri. Bates, Diary.

Friday, February 26, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln issues an order concerning deserters. "The President directs that the sentences of all deserters, who have been condemned by Court Martial to death, and that have not been otherwise acted upon by him, be mitigated to imprisonment during the war, at the Dry Tortugas, Florida . . . The Commanding Generals, who have power to act on proceedings of Courts Martial in such cases, are authorized in special cases to restore to duty deserters under sentence, when in their judgment the service will be thereby benefited." Order Commuting Sentence of Deserters, 26 February 1864, CW, 7:208.

Interviews Col. John W. Shaffer, Gen. Butler's chief of staff, relative to public slander of Butler. Memorandum Concerning Benjamin F. Butler, 26 February 1864, CW, 7:207.

Cabinet meets, with three members present. Political affairs discussed. Welles, Diary.

President Lincoln occupies regular private box at Grover's Theatre to see Edwin Booth play two roles, Shylock in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice and the title role in Dumanois and Dennery's comedy Don Caesar de Bazan. Washington Chronicle, 27 February 1864; Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, DC), 26 February 1864, 1:4; Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 26 February 1864, 3:2.

Sunday, February 26, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

F. B. Carpenter and party in President's office see manuscript referred to as Second Inaugural address. Carpenter, Six Months, 234.