Results 21 entries found

Saturday, February 21, 1835.+-

Springfield, IL.

Deputy Sheriff Josiah Francis, on behalf of Sangamon County Sheriff Garret Elkin, endorses a writ of execution: "Levied February 21st 1835 on one set of surveying instruments, one horse saddle and Bridle and the undivided half of Lots no. 16 & 17 north of Main Street New Salem the property of Abraham Lincoln." The execution is to pay a $223.24 judgment against Lincoln, William F. Berry and William Green in Van Bergen v. Lincoln et al.Photocopy.

Tuesday, February 21, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln votes yea on bill amending act incorporating town of Alton, and yea on bill continuing charter of Bank of Kaskaskia. Motion to keep capital removal bill tabled is defeated 41 to 40, and bill is discussed.House Journal.

Thursday, February 21, 1839.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Committee, including Lincoln, is appointed to take up bill vetoed by Council of Revision, supplementing "act for the limitation of actions and for avoidance of vexatious law suits." On Lincoln's motion, House is granted Vandalia residents tomorrow evening for "any public amusement they may choose to indulge in."House Journal.

Friday, February 21, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Register prints Whig committee's confidential circular.]

Monday, February 21, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

XML error in Log entry

Wednesday, February 21, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

"Baker, Lincoln, Logan and Stuart are making speeches every night at some one of the precincts in our County to crowded houses; we confidently expect to give 1000 majority in Sangamon County for Clay. . . . Logan and Lincoln address a meeting at Virginia tomorrow."William Butler to Hardin, John J. Hardin Papers, Chicago History Museum, Chicago, IL.

Friday, February 21, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln appears in his first case from Cook County when he argues for plaintiff in Kelly v. Garrett. Logan appears for defendant. Record.

Saturday, February 21, 1846.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Springfield Whigs elect five delegates from each precinct to attend county convention on first Monday in Mar.]

Monday, February 21, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln attends House. Journal.

Speaker is suddenly interrupted "by several gentlemen, who sprang from their seats to the assistance of the venerable John Quincy Adams, who was observed to be sinking from his seat in what appeared to be the agonies of death." He is borne to rotunda, and thence to speaker's room, and House adjourns.

Wednesday, February 21, 1849.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln votes against amendment to strike out of bill regulating mileage of members of Congress section compelling members to deduct per diem allowance on days they fail to attend sessions, unless sick. It is rejected 51-112. He votes aye on bill itself, which passes 158-16. He votes against bill abolishing franking privilege. It fails 81-104. Globe.

In Springfield, Mrs. Lincoln buys and charges three yards check cloth for 75¢. Irwin Ledger and Journal.]

Friday, February 21, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and files in Sangamon Circuit Court notice that he will take depositions in Alton & Sangamon RR v. Klein. Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Monday, February 21, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln buys $1.25 fork at John Williams' store. Pratt, Personal Finances, 146.

Wednesday, February 21, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

To W. H. Henderson Lincoln writes: "I am not Senator. I have to content myself with the honor of having been the first choice of a large majority of the fiftyone members who finally made the election." A less good humored man, Lincoln says, would not have permitted his many supporters to surrender to Trumbull's five. "I could not, however, let the whole political result go to ruin, on a point merely personal to myself." Abraham Lincoln to William H. Henderson, 21 February 1855, CW, 2:306-7.

Thursday, February 21, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to George P. Floyd, of Quincy, Illinois, regarding payment Floyd sent to Lincoln for some legal work. Lincoln determines that Floyd has overpaid him, and he writes, "I have just received yours of 16th, with check on Flagg & Savage for twenty-five dollars. You must think I am a high-priced man. You are too liberal with your money. Fifteen dollars is enough for the job. I send you a receipt for fifteen dollars, and return to you a ten-dollar bill." Abraham Lincoln to George P. Floyd, 21 February 1856, CW, 2:332-33.

Saturday, February 21, 1857.+-

Springfield, IL to Chicago, IL?

[On February 12, 1857 Lincoln wrote that he intended to go to Chicago on 21st. Abraham Lincoln to James Steele and Charles Summers, 12 February 1857, CW, 2:389.]

Monday, February 21, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln delivers his "Discoveries and Inventions" lecture at Concert Hall. "His theme . . . was handled in a masterly manner, and was appreciated by the handful gathered to hear him." Illinois State Democrat, 5 March 1859; Illinois State Journal, 21 February 1859.

Tuesday, February 21, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

To John Olney of Shawneetown Lincoln writes: "Your excellent letter of the 14th. is just received. It puts some propositions so admirably that I am tempted to publish them—without names, of course." Abraham Lincoln to John Olney, 21 February 1860, CW, 3:521.

Thursday, February 21, 1861.+-

New York, NY and En route to Philadelphia, PA.

Lincoln departs from New York via Cortlandt Street ferry at 8 A.M. escorted by cheering crowd and salvos of artillery. Philadelphia Inquirer, 22 February 1861; Baltimore Sun, 22 February 1861.

At Jersey City, N.J., replies briefly to welcome by William L. Dayton, attorney general of New Jersey. To quiet the crowd, speaks a second time. Remarks at Jersey City, New Jersey, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:233-34; Remarks at Newark, New Jersey, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:234-35.

At Newark, N.J., Lincoln detrains at "lower depot" and rides one and a half miles in open carriage through town to "upper depot." At each depot is introduced and makes short speech. One estimate reports crowd at 75,000, lower estimate is 25,000. Mount Holly New-Jersey Mirror and Burlington County Advertiser, 28 February 1861; Remarks at Newark, New Jersey, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:234-35.

Replies from rear platform to introduction by J. J. Chetwood at Elizabeth, N.J. Rahway, N.J., crowd of 3,000 sees Lincoln for moment. N.Y. World, 22 February 1861.

Judge John Van Dyke introduces him from train to 5,000 spectators at New Brunswick, N.J.; Lincoln replies. Remarks at New Brunswick, New Jersey, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:235; Philadelphia Inquirer, 28 February 1861.

Thirty-four-gun national salute at 12 M. signifies arrival of presidential party at Trenton, N.J. Mayor Mills welcomes Lincoln, who replies and joins W. L. Dayton in open carriage for trip to capitol. Baltimore Sun, 23 February 1861.

En route to Washington, D. C., Lincoln stops in Trenton, New Jersey, where he addresses the state senate. He remarks, "You give me this reception . . . without distinction of party. . . . [T]his body is composed of a majority of gentlemen who, in the exercise of their best judgment in the choice of a Chief Magistrate, did not think I was the man. . . . [N]evertheless . . . they came forward here to greet me as the constitutional President of the United States . . . the representative man of the nation, united by a purpose to perpetuate the Union and liberties of the people." New York Daily Tribune, 22 February 1861, 5:5; Address to the New Jersey Senate at Trenton, New Jersey, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:235-36.

To General Assembly he says: "I shall do all that may be in my power to promote a peaceful settlement of our difficulties. The man does not live who is more devoted to peace than I am. None who would do more to preserve it. But it may be necessary to put the foot down firmly." Address to the New Jersey General Assembly at Trenton, New Jersey, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:236-37.

Goes to Trenton House for lunch; by popular demand makes few remarks from balcony. Baltimore Sun, 23 February 1861; Remarks at Trenton House, Trenton, New Jersey, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:237-38.

Leaves Trenton shortly after 2 P.M. Speaks briefly from train at Bristol, Pa. Trenton Daily State Gazette and Republican, 23 February 1861.

Arrives Kensington depot Philadelphia at 4 P.M. Receives 34-gun salute by Minute Men of '76 and rides in carriage to Continental Hotel while 100,000 persons watch. Baltimore Sun, 22 February 1861, 23 February 1861.

Speaks from balcony of hotel in reply to welcome by Mayor Alexander Henry. "We are confident that not one person in the crowd below heard one word of Lincoln's speech." Baltimore Sun, 22 February 1861; Reply to Mayor Alexander Henry at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:238-39.

Retires from balcony to dine with Mrs. Lincoln in adjoining room. Baltimore Sun, 23 February 1861.

Stands in receiving line for public reception beginning 8:30 P.M. Replies to delegates who invite him to Wilmington, Del.: "I feel highly flattered . . . but circumstances forbid." Baltimore Sun, 23 February 1861; Reply to a Delegation from Wilmington, Delaware, 21 February 1861, CW, 4:239-40.

Toward end of reception N. B. Judd asks Lincoln to meet with him and Frederick W. Seward who has just arrived from Washington with letter to Lincoln from his father, Sen. Seward (N.Y.). Letter, based upon information obtained by Gen. Scott and Capt. Charles P. Stone (USA, resd.) describes plot to assassinate Lincoln while passing through Baltimore. Detectives employed by railroad also report similar plot. Lincoln thanks Seward for bringing letter and comments that he will consider the advice to change time and schedule. Refuses to change plans until commitments in Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pa., are completed. Frederick W. Seward, Reminiscences of a War-Time Statesman and Diplomat, 1830-1915. By Frederick W. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State during the Administrations of Lincoln, Johnson, and Hayes (New York: Putnam, 1916), 134-38; William H. Seward Jr., "Reminiscences of Lincoln," Magazine of History 9 (February 1909):107.

City's celebration of Lincoln's visit continues with band concert and fireworks. Philadelphia Inquirer, 22 February 1861.

Lincoln meets delegation representing Pennsylvania state administration in chambers of Judge James Milliken in Philadelphia and learns that opposition to Sen. Cameron's (Pa.) appointment has been withdrawn. Milliken to Cameron, 22 February 1861, Simon Cameron Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

[Irwin withdraws $72.24 from Springfield Marine Bank. Pratt, Personal Finances, 176.]

Mrs. Lincoln objects to living in private home while waiting to occupy White House. Plans are changed. Lamon to Washburne, 21 February 1861, Elihu B. Washburne Papers, Library of Congress, Washington DC.

Friday, February 21, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Cabinet meets at 11 A.M. in State Dept.; President does not attend. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 21 February 1862, 2d ed., 3:5; Bates, Diary.

Secretary of State William H. Seward confers with President about England's disapproval of U.S. proposals in Mason-Slidell case. Monaghan, Diplomat, 220.

Lincoln confers with Gen. Butler about New Orleans expedition. Benjamin F. Butler, Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences . . . Butler's Book (Boston: A. M. Thayer, 1892), 334-35.

President's recommendations for industrial exhibition in London fail to obtain congressional approval. N.Y. Tribune, 22 February 1862.

Congress meets and adjourns after reading "Journal" because of death in President's family. Cabinet requests Congress to cancel illumination of public buildings on Washington's birthday out of respect for President's family. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 21 February 1862, 2d ed., 3:5.

Cabinet members and wives call on President and Mrs. Lincoln. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 22 February 1862, 2d ed., 3:1.

Saturday, February 21, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Cong. John S. Watts (New Mexico Terr.) and friends interview President on behalf of John Wilson for surveyor general of Arizona Territory. Memoranda: Appointment of John Wilson, 21 February 1863, CW, 6:113.

"Public reception at White House to-day was very numerously attended. . . . The President was cordial in his greetings, and Mrs. Lincoln manifested towards all visitors the affability for which she is distinguished." N.Y. Herald, 22 February 1863; Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 21 February 1863, 2:4.

"President looks haggard and careworn . . . yet he preserves his good nature." Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 28 February 1863.

Dr. Anson G. Henry, old family friend, is dinner guest. CW, 8:511.

Tuesday, February 21, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

President confers with Atty. Gen. Speed and Sec. Welles on projected decision of Chief Justice Chase relative to suspension of writ of habeas corpus. Welles, Diary.