Results 20 entries found

Friday, April 13, 1838.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and signs a notice to take depositions for McNair v. Adams, a case before the Sangamon County Circuit Court. The notice includes questions to be put to witnesses in the state of New York.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Saturday, April 13, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes affidavit and praecipe of Benjamin H. Lockwood, and files in Lockwood v. Wernwag. Lockwood declares William H. Wernwag owes him $104.38 for labor and materials for bridge over Sangamon River, north of Springfield, for which Wernwag is contractor.IHi—Original.

Lincoln probably attends revenue law meeting. Lincoln signs petition to Gov. Carlin, with 106 others, for appointment of Joseph Duncan as state agent to sell bonds for Illinois and Michigan Canal.Petition to Governor Thomas Carlin for Appointment of Joseph Duncan to Negotiate Sale of Illinois and Michigan Canal Bonds, [13 April 1839], CW, 1:149.

Wednesday, April 13, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Joshua F. Speed regarding several unpaid debts that Speed gave to Logan & Lincoln to collect on his behalf. Lincoln also reports to Speed about the April 9 meeting of the Whig party of Sangamon County. He remarks, "Our ticket is very popular, and will certainly succeed with great ease." Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Speed, 13 April 1842, CW, 1:284-85.

Thursday, April 13, 1843.+-

Versailles, IL.

On opening day of two-day term of Woodford Circuit Court, Lincoln appears for defendant and Gridley for plaintiff in Boggs v. Rathbone. Court orders judgment of court below affirmed for $20. Record.

At evening Whig meeting, delegate to district convention is instructed to vote for Hardin for Congress.Hardin to James Berdan, 15 April 1843, John J. Hardin Papers, Chicago History Museum, Chicago, IL.

Saturday, April 13, 1844.+-

Peoria, IL.

In broadside issued in Peoria April 9, 1844, Democrats announce that John Calhoun is sorry he was not present to reply to Lincoln's speech April 6, 1844. Lincoln on receiving copy of broadside resolves to reply to Calhoun's speech this evening at court house. Learning that Lincoln is present, Calhoun speaks until 11:30. Whigs call for Lincoln and he replies.Peoria Register, 19 April 1844.

Sunday, April 13, 1845.+-

Tremont, IL.

Mrs. Lincoln, preparing for spring, buys gingham ($2.44), "Neapolitan Bonnet" ($7.50), three yards of bonnet ribbon (75¢), parasol ($3.50), and lamp and shade for $1. Irwin Ledger and Journal.

Monday, April 13, 1846.+-

Tremont, IL.

On Lincoln's motion, appeal case of Herndon v. Enos and Verdin is dismissed at cost of appellant. Plaintiff files demurrer to defendant's third plea in Wellman v. Holland. Court hears argument of counsel, sustains demurrer, and orders that plaintiff recover $909.51. Jones appears for plaintiff and Lincoln, Merriman, and Powell for defendant.Record.

Thursday, April 13, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Day is taken up with introduction of bills, committee reports, and speeches on contested election in 6th New York district. Lincoln votes against resolution declaring James Monroe entitled to seat occupied by D. S. Jackson. It fails 75-95.Globe; Journal.

Friday, April 13, 1849.+-

Springfield, IL.

On 7th Lincoln wrote Thomas Ewing recommending Walter Davis for receiver and Turner R. King for register of Land Office at Springfield. He asks Ewing to transpose those recommendations. Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Ewing, 7 April 1849, CW, 2:40; Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Ewing, 7 April 1849, CW, 2:40-41; Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Ewing, 13 April 1849, CW, 2:42.

Lincoln writes the affidavit of Joseph Nelson, the plaintiff in Nelson v. Busher and Nelson, a replevin case before the Sangamon County Circuit Court. Photocopy.

Tuesday, April 13, 1852.+-

Pekin, IL.

In the Tazewell County Circuit Court, Lincoln makes a motion to quash the indictment of defendant James West in the criminal case of People v. West. West had been indicted by the state's attorney for allegedly passing a $20 "forged bank note." The court apparently denies the motion, and West pleads not guilty to the charge. Later in the day, the court approves Lincoln's request for a continuance and requires West to file a recognizance bond for $300. In the appeal case of Hall v. Tyler, Lincoln represents plaintiff Ira B. Hall. The justice of the peace court had earlier ruled in Hall's favor in his suit to recover $17.66 from Benoni Tyler. Lincoln argues before the court and presents evidence from four witnesses. Judge David Davis rules in favor of Hall, approves the lower court's award, and orders Tyler to pay all the court costs. Order, 13 April 1852, People v. West, General Record F, 393, Tazewell County Circuit Court, Tazewell County Courthouse, Pekin, IL; Order, 10 April 1852, People v. West, Tazewell County Circuit Court, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; Order, 13 April 1852, People v. West, General Record F, 395-96; Justice of the Peace Transcript, 13 February 1852, Hall v. Tyler, case file, box 27; Judgment, 13 April 1852 Hall v. Tyler, General Record F, 397; Fee Book Entry, 24 September 1852, Hall v. Tyler, Fee Book, 617, all in Tazewell County Circuit Court, Tazewell County Courthouse, Pekin, IL.

[In Springfield, Mary Lincoln joins the First Presbyterian Church. Church Meeting Minutes Entry, 13 April 1852, Session Minutes, 1828-1862, 89, First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL.


Wednesday, April 13, 1853.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Lincoln and Lacey for plaintiff and Gridley and Stuart for defendant try Campbell v. Weed, action in covenant, before court. Court takes it under advisement. Record.

Thursday, April 13, 1854.+-

Bloomington, IL.

In Buck v. Allin, plaintiff dismisses suit. Record.

Monday, April 13, 1857.+-

Metamora, IL.

Lincoln writes report of commissioners and court decree in Saltonstall v. Saltonstall et al.Photocopy.

Tuesday, April 13, 1858.+-

Urbana, IL.

Lincoln writes declaration in Dean v. Kelly et al. Plaintiff has three other lawyers, Davis, Swett, and Whitney. Defendant also has four lawyers, Somers, Coles, Sim, and Sheldon, who move to dissolve injunction. Later in day plaintiff's attorneys move dismissal of suit at his costs, which court orders. Record.

Wednesday, April 13, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Mrs. Lincoln buys and charges ribbon at Smith's store. Pratt, Personal Finances, 155.]

Friday, April 13, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln reaches home at night. Abraham Lincoln to James F. Babcock, 14 April 1860, CW, 4:43-44.

Saturday, April 13, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

At 9:00 AM, President again meets with commissioners appointed by Convention of State of Virginia on April 8, 1861, and replies in writing: "In case it proves true, that Fort-Sumpter has been assaulted, as is reported, I shall perhaps, cause the United [States] mails to be withdrawn from all the States which claim to have seceded— . . . I consider the Military posts and property situated within the states, which claim to have seceded, as yet belonging to the Government. . . . I shall not attempt to collect the duties, and imposts, by any armed invasion of any part of the country—not meaning by this, however, that I may not land a force, deemed necessary, to relieve a fort upon a border of the country." Evening Star (Washington, DC), 13 April 1861, 2:2; Abraham Lincoln to a Committee from the Virginia Convention, [13 April 1861], CW, 4:329-31.

Lincoln grants William O. Stoddard of Illinois, White House assistant secretary, permission to join National Rifles, but active service is superseded by civilian duties. William O. Stoddard, Lincoln's Third Secretary: The Memoirs of William O. Stoddard, ed. by William O. Stoddard, Jr. (New York: Exposition Press, 1955), 79-81.

Receives no information on Charleston except through press. Baltimore Sun, 15 April 1861.

Secretary of War Simon Cameron, Robert J. Walker, former secretary of treasury and senator from Mississippi, James R. Gilmore of Cincinnati, editor and author of "Among the Pines," and Lincoln converse for two hours about conditions in South. James R. Gilmore, Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War (Boston: Page, 1898), 13-22.

Attends for few minutes reception in Mrs. Lincoln's drawing room. Baltimore Sun, 15 April 1861.

Sunday, April 13, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Delegates from Freedmen's Associations urge President to provide for Negroes on abandoned plantations at Port Royal, S.C. N.Y. Tribune, 14 April 1862.

President spends part of evening at War Dept. Browning, Diary.

Monday, April 13, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President congratulates Frederic, Grand Duke of Baden, on marriage of Prince William of Baden. Abraham Lincoln to Frederic, Grand Duke of Baden, 13 April 1863, CW, 6:170-71.

Orders Rear Adm. Du Pont to hold his position inside bar near Charleston. Abraham Lincoln to Samuel F. Du Pont, 13 April 1863, CW, 6:170.

In conversation with Sen. Sumner (Mass.), seems more hopeful for outcome of expedition to Charleston. Pierce, Sumner Memoir and Letters, 4:133.

Thursday, April 13, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

President visits telegraph office early in morning. Exchanges pleasantries with operator, Charles A. Tinker, and goes to Sec. Stanton 's office. Bates, Telegraph Office, 206.

Interviews Gen. Grant and Stanton on military problems. Josiah G. Holland, The Life of Abraham Lincoln (Springfield, MA: G. Bill, 1866), 512.

Confers again with Sec. Welles regarding reestablishment of authority in Confederate States. Welles, Diary.

Rides horseback to Soldiers' Home. Discusses various topics with Asst. Sec. of Treasury Maunsell B. Field, who is riding in carriage. Appears weary and sad. Maunsell B. Field, Memories of Many Men and of Some Women (New York: Harper, 1874), 321.

Issues series of passes: to "visit Mobile, if, and when the city shall be in our possession;" to "our lines into Virginia & return;" and "to Richmond if he chooses." Pass for A. B. Darling, 13 April 1865, CW, 8:409; Pass for G. T. Jenkins and J. M. Hiatt, 13 April 1865, CW, 8:409; Pass for Robert C. Schenck, 13 April 1865, CW, 8:409; Pass for James W. Singleton, 13 April 1865, CW, 8:410.

President Lincoln writes to his friend and U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Davis regarding a conflict between Davis and U.S Attorney General James Speed. Davis is upset over a matter involving Speed and Judge Samuel C. Parks, who serves on the Idaho Territory's Supreme Court. Lincoln writes, "Seeing your letter was about our friend Sam. Parks, I handed it to . . . Speed without reading into it far enough to discover that you were a little sharp on him. He answers, however, in good temper, & I send it to you. It will never do for you and Mr. Speed to be on other than good understanding." Abraham Lincoln to David Davis, 13 April 1865, CW, 10:286-287.

Writes check to "Self" for $800.00. CW, 8:588.