Results 17 entries found

Wednesday, August 11, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln draws up part of nomination and report of appraisers in Oliver v. Taylor. At spring term of Sangamon Circuit Court he got judgment for plaintiff for $108.90. Town lot involved, block from public square, is valued at $25 front foot. He draws up similar papers in Woods, Stacker & Co. v. Taylor.Photocopy.

Monday, August 11, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

On last day of summer term of Sangamon Circuit Court, Logan & Lincoln file their replication to defendants' answer in Fortune v. Garvey et al. Motion of defendants to dissolve injunction is denied in Brown et al. v. Harlan et al.Record.

Tuesday, August 11, 1846.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Allen Ford, editor of Illinois Gazette, on campaign "infidelity" charge, enclosing his statement on subject which Ford prints August 15, 1846.Abraham Lincoln to Allen N. Ford, 11 August 1846, CW, 1:383-84.

Friday, August 11, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

House votes down Senate amendment extending Missouri Compromise line. Vote is 82-121, Lincoln against it. Lincoln votes aye on passage of River and Harbor bill. It passes 118-62.Globe.

Saturday, August 11, 1849.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln pays two workmen $37.50 from his bank account. Irwin Journal.

Monday, August 11, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln votes in election for constable. Election Returns.

Friday, August 11, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln takes mortgage from Ritta Angelica da Silva to Lot 5 in Block 6, Welles and Peck's addition to Springfield. Mortgage is to secure debt of $125. Interest at ten per cent per annum is payable annually. Principal sum is due in four years.

(See September 4, 1854 and November 24, 1858.) Deed Record PP, 353-54; Mortgage from Ritta A. da Silva, 11 August 1854, CW, 2:224-25.

Saturday, August 11, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln votes in special election for city constable required by the death of Horace Williams. Voters select James W. Hampton from among eight candidates as the new constable. Election Returns for Springfield in Sangamon County, Illinois, 11 August 1855, Illinois Regional Archives Depository, University of Illinois Springfield, Springfield, IL; Illinois Daily Journal (Springfield), 11 August 1855, 2:6; 13 August 1855, 3:1.

Lincoln writes to abolitionist and State Representative Owen Lovejoy, of Princeton, Illinois. Lovejoy had written to Lincoln and apparently expressed a desire to bring together the various political parties in opposition to slavery's expansion. Lincoln replies, "Not even you are more anxious to prevent the extension of slavery than I; and yet the political atmosphere is such, just now, that I fear to do any thing, lest I do wrong...I have no objection to 'fuse' with any body provided I can fuse on ground which I think is right." Abraham Lincoln to Owen Lovejoy, 11 August 1855, CW, 2:316-17.

Monday, August 11, 1856.+-

En route and Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Trumbull that he has just returned from speaking in Edgar, Coles, and Shelby counties. "Our whole trouble along there has been & is Fillmoreism. . . . I think we shall ultimately get all the Fillmore men, who are realy anti-slavery extension—the rest will probably go to Buchanan where they rightfully belong; if they do not, so much the better for us." Abraham Lincoln to Lyman Trumbull, 11 August 1856, CW, 2:359-60.

Tuesday, August 11, 1857.+-

Springfield, IL.

People ex rel. Koerner et al. v. Ridgely et al., case about which Lincoln wrote Gustave Koerner July 19, 1857, is called and continued. (Appointment of Koerner and others as trustees of State Bank of Illinois was involved.) Murder case—People v. John Bantzhouse—is set for trial next day. Wyatt and Lincoln & Herndon are defendant's attorneys. Record; Register, 13 August 1857.

Wednesday, August 11, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL and Naples, IL.

Lincoln writes to Alexander Sympson of Carthage that he will be at Augusta on 25. "Things look reasonably well. Will tell you more fully when I see you." He tells Daniel A. Cheever of New Hampshire that his latest Springfield speech has been printed, and sends 250 copies. If more are needed, he can write to J. O. Johnson in Springfield. Abraham Lincoln to Alexander Sympson, 11 August 1858, CW, 2:538; Abraham Lincoln to Daniel A. Cheever, 11 August 1858, CW, 8:415.

In the Sangamon County Circuit Court case of Caldwell v. Caldwell, Lincoln's client, George M. Caldwell, requests a dismissal of the divorce proceedings. The Court approves Caldwell's request. Caldwell filed for a divorce from Laura S. Caldwell claiming that their marriage "became . . . uneasy . . . unpleasant and annoying on account of the irratable fire & powder disposition of . . . Laura. Every thing was hot & full of nettles where she was. . . . [I]t is a 'manifest destiny' that . . . [the couple] cannot live together as husband & wife." Bill for Divorce, filed 31 May 1858, Caldwell v. Caldwell, IHi, Springfield, IL; Decree, 11 August 1858, Caldwell v. Caldwell, Record R 1858-1859, 108, Sangamon County Circuit Court, Illinois State Regional Archives Depository, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL.

On evening train Lincoln goes to Naples on Illinois River, whence he can easily reach Beardstown next morning.

Thursday, August 11, 1859.+-

St. Joseph, MO and En route.

Lincoln and Hatch take steamer Campbell for Council Bluffs.

Saturday, August 11, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln acknowledges letter and newspaper clipping from M. B. Miner. Abraham Lincoln to M. B. Miner, 11 August 1860, CW, 4:93.

Sunday, August 11, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

"Today [Sunday] the President sent for me before I was up; have been at work ever since." McClellan, War for Union, 84.

Monday, August 11, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President recognizes Friedrich Kuhne as consul of Principality of Reuss-Greitz at New York. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 13 August 1862, 2d ed., 2:4.

Judge Christian Roselius, Louisiana Unionist, consults with President, Secs. Seward and Stanton and Postmaster Gen. Blair regarding conditions in Louisiana and conduct of Gen. John S. Phelps. Butler, Correspondence, 2:207.

Lincoln writes Stanton : "Gov. Morton is one of our best Governors, but I do not think he would be the best Military commander" for Kentucky. Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 11 August 1862, CW, 5:367.

Tuesday, August 11, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

At cabinet meeting President reads another letter from Gov. Seymour (N.Y.) on draft. Problem of drafting skilled workers arises in cabinet discussions. Welles, Diary.

Atty. Gen. Bates presents to cabinet material reflecting on Gen. Halleck. Bates, Diary.

Lincoln again makes it clear to Seymour that draft cannot be suspended. Abraham Lincoln to Horatio Seymour, 11 August 1863, CW, 6:381-82.

President writes check: "No. 52 Washington, D.C. Aug. 11 1863 RIGGS & CO. Pay to Colored man, with one leg. or bearer Five . . . . . . Dollars $5/00. A. Lincoln." Check, 11 August 1863, CW, 6:380.

Informs Gen. Meade that Gen. Hooker would accept command under him, "if it was still open." Abraham Lincoln to George G. Meade, 11 August 1863, CW, 6:381.

Thursday, August 11, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln calls Gen. Schurz to White House. CW, 8:550.