Results 18 entries found

Monday, June 2, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

U.S. District Court convenes for summer term. Lincoln & Herndon have one case—Dudley et ux. v. Crosthwait—which is continued by agreement with opposing counsel. Record.

Wednesday, June 4, 1856.+-

Decatur, IL.

Lincoln appears for defendant, with Thornton, in Overholt & Squier v. Christian County, Illinois, change of venue from Christian County. Case involves Taylorville courthouse, county claiming foundations were made too shallow. Signing himself "Member of the Bar," Lincoln writes petition in People v. Longnecker, murder, change of venue from Piatt, asking dismissal of case tried twice without verdict. Fourteen attorneys join, and case is dismissed. He delivers afternoon political speech at courthouse. Record; Photocopy; Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 5 June 1856.

Thursday, June 5, 1856.+-

Decatur, IL.

Overholt & Squier v. Christian County, Illinois is tried by jury, which finds for plaintiffs and assesses $657.87 damages. Lincoln writes pleas and jury instructions. Record; Photocopy.

Friday, June 6, 1856.+-

Decatur, IL.

Lincoln writes order of court in Overholt & Squier v. Christian County, Illinois. Gatling et al. v. Great Western RR is continued. Photocopy; Record.

Lincoln learns of Buchanan's nomination. First reaction is not favorable to Anti-Nebraska prospects, since "a good many whigs, of conservative feelings, and slight pro-slavery proclivities, withal, are inclining to go for him, and will do it, unless the Anti-Nebraska nomination shall be such as to divert them." Abraham Lincoln to Lyman Trumbull, 7 June 1856, CW, 2:342-43.

Saturday, June 7, 1856.+-

Decatur, IL and Springfield, IL.

Lincoln appears briefly in court, then leaves for Springfield. In Overholt & Squier v. Christian County, Illinois he successfully moves appeal to Supreme Court. Reaching Springfield, he writes and files defendant's affidavit in Freeman & Bright v. Merriman in U.S. Circuit Court (see July 26, 1856). Record.

Then he writes to Senator Trumbull on politics. To defeat Buchanan, he says, nominate conservative, and suggests Judge John McLean of U.S. Supreme Court. He warns of danger of disregarding old Whig conservative sentiment."I think I may trust you to believe I do not say this on my own personal account." He will go for anyone not "platformed" on ground he considers wrong. Abraham Lincoln to Lyman Trumbull, 7 June 1856, CW, 2:342-43.

Monday, June 9, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Summer term of Sangamon Circuit Court is scheduled to commence, but Judge Davis does not appear, and opening is deferred. Record.

To Joshua F. Amos, administrator of estate of Nathaniel Hay, deceased, Lincoln submits explanation of claim he has against estate. Explanation Written for Joshua F. Amos, 9 June 1856, CW, 2:343-44.

Tuesday, June 10, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Court convenes, and Lincoln & Herndon appear in many cases. Record.

In the evening, at Springfield's courthouse, Lincoln delivers a speech concerning slavery and states entering the Union. A Democratic paper noted, "The gist of his remarks were intended to show that the democratic party favors the extension of slavery, [and] that black republicanism aims to prevent it . . . He convinced nobody of his own sincerity, [nor] of the justness of his cause." The Republican paper editorialized, "Lincoln . . . pronounced the most logical and finished argument against the evils to be apprehended from the continued aggressions of the slave power, that it has ever been our good fortune to listen to." Daily Illinois State Register (Springfield), 12 June 1856, 2:1-2; Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield), 11 June 1856, 2:2; Speech at Springfield, Illinois, 10 June 1856, CW, 2:344-45.

Wednesday, June 11, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon, attorneys for plaintiff, settle case in circuit court when defendant in Currier v. North American Insurance Co. confesses judgment in sum of $1,000 and costs. Second suit is dismissed on motion of plaintiff, whom they represent, and third is continued. Record.

John Hay's affidavit, written by Lincoln on 10th, in McBride v. Hay, is filed. Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Thursday, June 12, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

In Cass v. Showers, defendant defaults and Lincoln & Herndon obtain judgment of $215.23 for plaintiff. Bunn v. Bays, in which they also represent plaintiff, is settled by agreement, judgment for $100 being entered against estate of Bannister Bays. Third case is continued. Record.

Friday, June 13, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

On last day of summer term, Lincoln & Herndon have two cases in court—divorce case, in which they secure decree for their client, complainant; and assumpsit suit settled by agreement, $550.45, judgment being entered against defendant. Lincoln & Herndon appear for plaintiff. Record.

Tuesday, June 17, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

Special term of Champaign Circuit Court convenes at Urbana. Lincoln is present for entire term. Henry C. Whitney, Life on the Circuit with Lincoln (Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1892), 78-81.

[Robert collects pair garters at John Williams' store, and Lincoln's account is charged $2.25. Pratt, Personal Finances, 148.]

Wednesday, June 18, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

XML error in Log entry

Thursday, June 19, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

[In Philadelphia, where first Republican National Convention is in session, Lincoln's name is presented for Vice-Presidency. He receives 110 votes, but William L. Dayton of New Jersey is nominated as Fremont's running mate.]

Friday, June 20, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

Chicago paper containing proceedings of Philadelphia convention reaches Urbana. When shown vote for Vice-President, Lincoln jocularly remarks that there must be some mistake—there is a great man named Lincoln in Massachusetts, and he must be the one for whom votes were cast. Henry C. Whitney, Life on the Circuit with Lincoln (Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1892), 80.

[Robert Lincoln brings home $1 pair of slippers from John Williams' store. Pratt, Personal Finances, 148.]

Sunday, June 22, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

[Lincoln's account at John Williams & Co. is charged $1.25 for buggy whip. Pratt, Personal Finances, 148.]

Monday, June 23, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

Lincoln writes declaration of plaintiff, J. S. Stevens, in Stevens v. Stevens. Photocopy.

Lincoln addresses evening political meeting. "He heartily endorses the nomination of the gallant Fremont, and as elector in this state, will, during this campaign, we are told, devote considerable of his time to the work. As a persuasive and convincing speaker the equal of Mr. Lincoln can not be found." Urbana Union, 26 June 1856.

Friday, June 27, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln thanks John Van Dyke for his kind notice of him in Philadelphia convention. "When you meet Judge Dayton present my respects, and tell him I think him a far better man than I for the position he is in, and that I shall support both him and Colonel Fremont most cordially." Abraham Lincoln to John Van Dyke, 27 June 1856, CW, 2:346.

'It would have been easier for us, I think, had we got McLean," Lincoln writes Trumbull. Horace White, The Life of Lyman Trumbull (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913), 69.

Monday, June 30, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

In U.S. Circuit Court Lincoln appears for defendant in Eads & Nelson v. Ohio & Mississippi RR. Case is argued all day. Record.