Results 25 entries found

Thursday, August 2, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes letters of introduction of Judge David Davis, for Davis to use while touring east, especially Pennsylvania, on campaign business. Photocopy.

Friday, August 3, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to the Illinois Republican Party central committee chair, Norman B. Judd, of Chicago. On August 8, Judd will be in Springfield to attend a rally to celebrate Lincoln's nomination. Lincoln writes, "It is arranged that you are to make our house your home, while here...on the 8th. Please do not disturb the arrangement, but come right along, upon your arrival here." Abraham Lincoln to Norman B. Judd, 3 August 1860, CW, 10:58; Remarks at a Republican Rally, Springfield, Illinois, 8 August 1860, CW, 4:91-92.

Saturday, August 4, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to former Springfield resident Simeon Francis, now of Portland, Oregon. Lincoln likes the Republican Party's chances for success in November, and he hopes to capture the states that Republican presidential candidate John C. Fremont won in 1856. Lincoln writes, "Add to these, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and New-Jersey, and the thing is done. Minnesota is as sure as such a thing can be; while the democracy are so divided between [Stephen A.] Douglas and [John C.] Breckenridge in Penn. & N. J. that they are scarcely less sure. Our friends are also confident in Indiana and Illinois." Abraham Lincoln to Simeon Francis, 4 August 1860, CW, 4:89-90.

Monday, August 6, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Simon Cameron that Lincoln's tariff notes David Davis has shown in Pennsylvania must not "get into the news-papers." Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, 6 August 1860, CW, 4:90-91.

He writes $5 check to "Wife." DLC—Original.

Tuesday, August 7, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

A New York Herald newspaper reporter visits with Lincoln and writes, "After a pretty thorough investigation, I find that there is not a man in this region who says a word against [his] honesty . . . They like his sociability and his familiarity." The correspondent notes that Mary Lincoln added "some brilliant flashes of wit and good nature" to the "lively . . . conversation." He adds, "[Lincoln's] features may appear rugged to the casual observer, but when engaged in earnest and entertaining conversation they assume an aspect at once pleasing and engaging. . . . Lincoln . . . looks the man, acts the gentleman, and mirrors at once the keenness of the astute statesman." New York Herald, 13 August 1860, 5:2-3.

Wednesday, August 8, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Illinois Republicans hold immense rally to celebrate Lincoln's nomination. Thousands attend. Giant morning procession passes Lincoln residence; he reviews it from his doorway. In afternoon there is speaking from five stands at fair grounds. Lincoln appears, declines to make speech, and escapes on horseback. More speeches are made in evening at Wigwam and state house. Lincoln endorses pardon petition of Buckner S. Morris to Gov. Wood. Illinois State Journal, 9 August 1860; Remarks at a Republican Rally, Springfield, Illinois, 8 August 1860, CW, 4:91-92; Endorsement: Buckner S. Morris to John Wood concerning Pardon of Patrick Cunningham, [8 August 1860], CW, 4:92.

Thursday, August 9, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

O. H. Browning records in his diary: "In forenoon called at Lincolns and spent an hour, with him, Mrs. Lincoln & Mrs. Judd—A great many people still in town." Browning, Diary.

Friday, August 10, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Cassius M. Clay proposing change in his Illinois speaking engagements. "As to the inaugural, I have not yet commenced getting it up; while it affords me great pleasure to be able to say the cliques have not yet commenced upon me." Abraham Lincoln to Cassius M. Clay, 10 August 1860, CW, 4:92-93.

Saturday, August 11, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln acknowledges letter and newspaper clipping from M. B. Miner. Abraham Lincoln to M. B. Miner, 11 August 1860, CW, 4:93.

Monday, August 13, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

J. Henry Brown, Pennsylvania artist, arrives with letter of introduction from John M. Read, Pennsylvania Republican. Lincoln consents to sit for miniature painted on ivory. "We walked together. . . ," wrote Brown, "to a daguerrean establishment. I had a half dozen of ambrotypes taken of him before I could get one to suit me." InFtwL—Brown Journal, Ms., Photocopy.

Lincoln credits promissory notes of A. and J. Haines of Pekin with $50 payment, and deposits money in his bank account. IHi—Lincoln Estate Inventory; Marine Bank Ledger.

He writes to "Mrs. Snedeker" acknowledging letter and box of peaches from "Daughters of Abraham." Original owned by Mrs. Eugene McCoil, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Tuesday, August 14, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

To T. A. Cheney, Lincoln writes: "I would cheerfully answer your questions in regard to the Fugitive Slave law, were it not that I consider it would be both imprudent, and contrary to the reasonable expectation of friends for me to write, or speak anything upon doctrinal points now. Besides this, my published speeches contain nearly all I could willingly say. Justice and fairness to all, is the utmost I have said, or will say." He writes three other political letters. He asks George G. Fogg, secretary of Republican National Committee, how things look, and if he should accept invitation to Springfield, Mass. horse show. Samuel Galloway of Ohio he invites to visit him, unless time so spent would injure Galloway's congressional campaign. He writes to James E. Harvey of New York briefly on Republican jealousies there: "Justice and fairness to all." He endorses pardon petition of Thomas Patterson, recently convicted of manslaughter in Vermilion County. Abraham Lincoln to T. Apolion Cheney, 14 August 1860, CW, 4:93; Abraham Lincoln to George G. Fogg, 14 August 1860, CW, 4:94; Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Galloway, 14 August 1860, CW, 4:94; Abraham Lincoln to James E. Harvey, 14 August 1860, CW, 4:94-95; Endorsement: David Davis to John Wood Concerning Pardon of Thomas Patterson, 14 August 1860, CW, 4:93.

Wednesday, August 15, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Republican presidential nominee Lincoln writes to John B. Fry, of New York. Lincoln confides that many Southerners have written to him with "assurances...that in no probable event will there be any very formidable effort to break up the Union." Lincoln reasons, "The people of the South have too much of good sense, and good temper, to attempt the ruin of the government, rather than see it administered as it was administered by the men who made it. At least, so I hope and believe." Abraham Lincoln to John B. Fry, 15 August 1860, CW, 4:95.

Lincoln writes to fellow Republican William D. Kelley, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, regarding the whereabouts of a newspaper that Kelley sent to Lincoln. Lincoln explains, "It reached me at the close of our monster meeting here, when my house was full of friends, some of whom over-hauled my news-paper mail before I did . . . Please send me another copy . . . inclosed in a letter envelope, so that it may not, by any means be over-looked in a mass of common news-papers." William D. Kelley to Abraham Lincoln, 7 August 1860, Robert Todd Lincoln Collection of Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to William D. Kelley, 15 August 1860, Kelley Collection, Columbia University, New York, NY.

To William Fithian of Danville he appeals for help in Vermilion legislative district. "To lose Trumbull's re-election next winter would be a great disaster." Abraham Lincoln to William Fithian, 15 August 1860, CW, 4:95.

Thursday, August 16, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

New York "Herald" has written up Lincoln's remark about lynching in Kentucky if he should visit there. He writes George G. Fogg to have inserted in paper anonymous correction he has drafted, and he writes Haycraft to forestall in Kentucky undesired repercussions from "Herald" article. Abraham Lincoln to George G. Fogg, 16 August 1860, CW, 4:96-97; Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Haycraft, 16 August 1860, CW, 4:97.

Lincoln sits for J. Henry Brown, artist, in Capitol library. InFtwL—Brown Journal, Photocopy.

Friday, August 17, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Somewhat uneasy about New York, Lincoln writes to Thurlow Weed. "There will be the most extraordinary effort ever made, to carry New-York for Douglas. You, and all others who write me from your state, think the effort can not succeed; and I hope you are right; still it will require close watching, and great effort on the other side." He asks Senator James F. Simmons if Rhode Island is safe, having received letter about money pouring in for Douglas. Abraham Lincoln to Thurlow Weed, 17 August 1860, CW, 4:97-98; Abraham Lincoln to James F. Simmons, 17 August 1860, CW, 4:97.

Saturday, August 18, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln acknowledges book from C. H. Fisher. "While I have not yet found time to examine it, I doubt not I shall find much pleasure in its perusal." Abraham Lincoln to Charles H. Fisher, 18 August 1860, CW, 4:98.

Monday, August 20, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln again sits, in Representatives Hall, for J. Henry Brown. Rufus R. Wilson, Lincoln in Portraiture (New York: Press of the Pioneer, 1935), 109-10; InFtwL—Brown Journal, Photocopy.

Wednesday, August 22, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln declines invitation to horse show at Springfield, Mass. "For reasons not necessary to be mentioned, I am constrained to decline the honor which you so kindly tender me." Abraham Lincoln to George Bliss and Others, 22 August 1860, CW, 4:99.

He sits for J. Henry Brown. InFtwL—Brown Journal, Photocopy.

Thursday, August 23, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Still uneasy about New York "Herald" article, Lincoln writes Haycraft: "My only object was to assure you that I had not, as represented by the Herald correspondent, charged you with an attempt to inveigle me into Kentucky to do me violence. I believe no such thing of you, or of Kentuckians generally; and I dislike to be represented to them as slandering them in that way." He invites Robert C. Schenck of Ohio to campaign in Illinois. "We really want you." Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Haycraft, [23 August 1860], CW, 4:99; Abraham Lincoln to Robert C. Schenck, 23 August 1860, CW, 4:99-100.

Friday, August 24, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes long autobiographical letter to his relative John Hanks of Macon County, who started "Rail Splitter" movement at Decatur convention. John's brother Charles has claimed Decatur rails were fakes. "Don't let this letter be made public." Abraham Lincoln to John Hanks, 24 August 1860, CW, 4:100-1.

He gives fourth sitting to J. Henry Brown. InFtwL—Brown Journal, Photocopy.

Saturday, August 25, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln deposits $300. Marine Bank Ledger.

For a "fifth" and final time, Republican presidential candidate Lincoln poses for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania artist John H. Brown, who is in Springfield, Illinois to paint "on ivory," Lincoln's "miniature likeness." Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice and Lincoln ally John M. Read commissioned the painting because he was "disgusted with the horrible caricatures of Mr. Lincoln which he had seen." Brown recalled, "[Lincoln's] true character only shines out when in an animated conversation, or when telling an amusing tale, of which he is very fond." R. Gerald McMurtry, Beardless Portraits of Abraham Lincoln Painted from Life (Fort Wayne, IN: Allen County Historical Society, 1962), 26-35; Harold Holzer, Gabor S. Boritt, and Mark E. Neely, Jr., The Lincoln Image: Abraham Lincoln and the Popular Print (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1984), 58, 61; Michael Burlingame, With Lincoln in the White House: Letters, Memoranda, and Other Writings of John G. Nicolay, 1860-1865 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2000), 4-5; Justin G. Turner and Linda Levitt Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln: Her Life and Letters (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972), 65; abraham lincoln to john m. read, 27 August 1860, CW, 4:102.

Sunday, August 26, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln attends church, where J. Henry Brown sees him. "I hardly know how to express the strength of my personal regard for Mr. Lincoln," writes Brown. "I never saw a man for whom I so soon formed an attachment. I like him much, and agree with him in all things but his politics. He is kind and very sociable; immensely popular among the people of Springfield. . . . There are so many hard lines in his face that it becomes a mask of the inner man. His true character only shines out when in an animated conversation, or when telling an amusing tale, of which he is very fond. He is said to be a homely man; I do not think so." InFtwL—Brown Journal, Photocopy.

Monday, August 27, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln gives his opinion of "supposed speech of Mr. Dallas to Lord Brougham" which correspondent sent. He cannot agree that slavery is a necessity imposed by Negro race. "That the going many thousand miles, seizing a set of savages, bringing them here, and making slaves of them, is a necessity imposed on us by them, involves a species of logic to which my mind will scarcely assent." He thanks Amory Holbrook of Oregon for his political news, and tells Judge John M. Read of Pennsylvania that J. Henry Brown's miniature is excellent. "To my unpracticed eye, it is without fault." Abraham Lincoln to Charles H. Fisher, 27 August 1860, CW, 4:101; Abraham Lincoln to Amory Holbrook, 27 August 1860, CW, 4:101; Abraham Lincoln to John M. Read, 27 August 1860, CW, 4:102.

Wednesday, August 29, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Still concerned about New York "Herald" story, Lincoln writes to Fogg: "You have done precisely right in that matter with the Herald. Do nothing further about it. Although it wrongs me, and annoys me some, I prefer letting it run its course, to getting into the papers over my own name." As to Republican prospects, "the whole field appears reasonably well." Abraham Lincoln to George G. Fogg, 29 August 1860, CW, 4:102.

Thursday, August 30, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln sends his autograph to C. H. Brown. Photocopy.

Republican presidential nominee Lincoln writes to Pennsylvania politician and newspaper publisher Alexander K. McClure, who frequently updated Lincoln about the Republicans' prospects in Pennsylvania and other eastern states. Lincoln expresses concerns and seeks clarification regarding some recent McClure communications, and writes, "Neither [of the two recent letters]...bears quite so hopeful a tone as your former letters. When you say you are organizing every election district, do you mean...that you are 'canvassing'—'counting noses?.'" Abraham Lincoln to Alexander K. McClure, 30 August 1860, Henry Horner Lincoln Collection, IHi, Springfield, IL.

Friday, August 31, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln tries to smooth factional differences among Pennsylvania Republicans. To John M. Pomeroy, who wrote of local troubles, he replies: "I am slow to listen to criminations among friends. . . . My sincere wish is that both sides will allow by-gones to be by-gones, and look to the present & future only." He also writes friendly notes to Zachariah Chandler of Michigan and Benjamin F. James of Chicago. Abraham Lincoln to John M. Pomeroy, 31 August 1860, CW, 4:103-4; Abraham Lincoln to Zachariah Chandler, 31 August 1860, CW, 4:102-3; Abraham Lincoln to Benjamin F. James, 31 August 1860, CW, 4:103.