Results 27 entries found

Monday, September 1, 1856.+-

Petersburg, IL.

[Logan Circuit Court convenes at Lincoln. Lincoln & Herndon, although docket does not show on which days, appear for plaintiff in three cases and for defendant in one. Record.]

Tuesday, September 2, 1856.+-

Lincoln, IL.

Republican meeting, attended by large delegation from Atlanta, is held during evening. "Mr. Lincoln made a speech most triumphantly vindicating the nationality [patriotism] of the supporters of Col. Fremont." Illinois State Journal, 4 September 1856.

Lincoln has new shaft bar put on his buggy ($1.75). Obed Lewis Account Books.

Wednesday, September 3, 1856.+-

Lincoln, IL.

[Mrs. Lincoln charges bonnet, ribbon, silk, shoes, slippers, and combs to her husband's account ($8.77) at John Williams & Co. Pratt, Personal Finances, 148.]

Thursday, September 4, 1856.+-

Atlanta, IL.

In the evening, Lincoln appears at a political event, and addresses "a very large and enthusiastic crowd." Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield), 5 September 1856, 3:1.

Saturday, September 6, 1856.+-

Jacksonville, IL and Springfield, IL.

Afternoon Fremont mass meeting is held in courthouse yard at Jacksonville. Lincoln, first speaker, appeals to antislavery Democrats not to vote for Buchanan. At four o'clock Springfield delegation leaves to attend Kansas meeting that evening at Springfield. After addresses by Lincoln, Conkling, and Robbins, meeting adjourns until night of 8th. Illinois State Journal, 8 September 1856; Speech at Jacksonville, Illinois, 6 September 1856, CW, 2:368-73.

Sunday, September 7, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes J. B. McFarland of Lafayette, Indiana, declining invitation to speak at Tippecanoe battleground October 1, 1856 October 2, 1856 October 3, 1856. Abraham Lincoln to J. B. McFarland, 7 September 1856, CW, 2:373.

Monday, September 8, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln completes form letter telling Fillmore men that every vote for Fillmore helps elect Buchanan. This is lithographed to simulate personal letter from Lincoln, dated, signed, marked "Confidential," and mailed for next eight weeks. Form Letter to Fillmore Men, 8 September 1856, CW, 2:374-75.

Fremont supporters again assemble at courthouse. Lincoln, Francis, John B. Weber, Cullom, and others speak. "There was manifested by the meeting a general and very decided feeling of indignation against the recently reported outrages in Kansas Territory, and against the Administration for aiding and abetting them." Illinois State Journal, 9 September 1856.

Tuesday, September 9, 1856.+-

Bloomington, IL.

In McLean Circuit Court, which convened on 8th, Lincoln appears in Bishop v. Illinois Central RR, continued from spring term. Court orders case dismissed at defendant's costs. Lincoln represents company. Record.

Wednesday, September 10, 1856.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Lincoln writes the affidavit of Eli K. Crothers, whom Lincoln is defending in the McLean County Circuit Court case of Fleming v. Rogers & Crothers. Plaintiff Samuel Fleming is suing Crothers and Thomas P. Rogers for malpractice. Fleming suffered two broken legs during a fire in Bloomington. Doctors Crothers and Rogers saved the legs, but the right leg healed crooked and shorter than the left leg. Fleming charged that the doctors failed "to use due and proper care, skill and diligence . . . to cure . . . [Fleming's] malady and illness." Declaration, filed 27 August 1856, Fleming v. Rogers & Crothers; Affidavit of Eli K. Crothers, 10 September 1856, Fleming v. Rogers & Crothers, both in Lincoln Collection, Lincoln Memorial University, Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum, Harrogate, TN.

Thursday, September 11, 1856.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Lincoln writes praecipe and notice for Clarissa Bishop Cheney in Cheney et ux. v. Ross et ux.Photocopy.

Friday, September 12, 1856.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Pike v. Shaffer, Lincoln for plaintiff, is continued at plaintiff's costs. Reynolds & Fuller v. Steele et al., trespass, is tried by jury. Lincoln, for defense, gets acquittals for Steele and Price, while Platt and Davidson are found guilty and assessed $600 damages. Record.

Lincoln and T. Lyle Dickey address Republican meeting in Major's Hall. Lincoln speaks with "great eloquence and power. He showed up the position of the Fillmore party in fine style, both as to its prospects of success, and as to the propriety of supporting a candidate whose greatest recommendation . . . is that he is neutral upon the one only great political question of the times." Bloomington Pantagraph, 17 September 1856; Speech at Bloomington, Illinois, 12 September 1856, CW, 2:375; Sherman D. Wakefield, How Lincoln Became President: The Part Played by Bloomington, Illinois, and Certain of Its Citizens in Preparing Him for the Presidency and Securing his Nomination and Election (New York: Wilson-Erickson, 1936), 71-72.

Saturday, September 13, 1856.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Lincoln writes to Charles H. Ray, editor of the Chicago Daily Tribune, about some German-language newspapers. Lincoln had asked Chicago attorney Grant Goodrich to "have a hundred german papers one bundle" to Bloomington attorney William H. Hanna. Lincoln also writes that he had asked Ray to "have fifty sent to Jabez Capps," a Mount Pulaski merchant. Lincoln is checking on the status of his requests because Hanna has not yet received the papers, and as for the papers destined for Capps, Lincoln writes, "Whether they are coming I dont know." Apparently, Lincoln hopes to win over German voters to the Republican party, and he writes, "Last evening I was scared a little by being told that the enemy are getting the german's away from us at Chicago. Is there any truth in that?" Abraham Lincoln to Charles H. Ray, 13 September 1856, Chicago History Museum, Chicago, IL.

Sunday, September 14, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Robert Boal, promising to be at Lacon September 30, 1856 if possible. He also urges Frederick Hecker, exiled German revolutionist of St. Clair County, to speak in Springfield on 25th, "when we expect to have a large mass-meeting." He declines invitation to speak in Iowa on 23rd. Iowa is safe, but in Illinois "much hard work is still to be done." Abraham Lincoln to Robert S. Boal, 14 September 1856, CW, 2:375; Abraham Lincoln to Friedrich K. F. Hecker, 14 September 1856, CW, 2:376; Abraham Lincoln to Henry O'Conner, 14 September 1856, CW, 2:376.

Monday, September 15, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Jesse A. Pickrell of Sangamon County, and asks for "a list of fifteen or twenty names of good, steady Fillmore men, round about you." Lincoln is referring to Millard Fillmore, the American (Know-Nothing) Party candidate for president. Lincoln seeks the names of Fillmore supporters to whom he can send letters in an attempt to garner votes for John C. Fremont, the Republican presidential candidate. In addition to Fremont and Fillmore, James Buchanan is the Democratic party's nominee in the three-way presidential election of 1856. Abraham Lincoln to Jesse A. Pickrell, 15 September 1856, University of Illinois Library, Lincoln Room, Urbana, IL; Thomas F. Schwartz, "Lincoln, Form Letters, and Fillmore Men," Illinois Historical Journal 78 (Spring 1985): 65-70.

Tuesday, September 16, 1856.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Democrats hold large rally. During afternoon Lincoln and Swett attend meeting. In evening, while Democratic speakers are holding forth at Pike House, Lincoln speaks at Major's Hall. "A most masterly speech, in which he tore the day-time speeches of the Bucks at their great meeting into ribbons," Bloomington Pantagraph (24 September 1856) reports.

Wednesday, September 17, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

All-day Fremont rally is held. In morning crowd assembles in grove east of Urbana and hears speeches by Herndon, Lovejoy, Scott, and Norton. "A most sumptuous repast was then served up by the ladies of Urbana, after which the people again assembled at different stands." Lincoln and Fithian speak from one stand, Wilson (of Indiana) and Bross from other. Chicago Democratic Press, 22 September 1856.

Thursday, September 18, 1856.+-

Vandalia, IL and En route.

Traveling through Vandalia toward points south, Lincoln pauses briefly to observe Democratic meeting on square. Lincoln notes what speaker, his old friend "Long Jim Davis" says, and thinks up replies for his own use on 23d, at Republican rally. Speech at Vandalia, Illinois, 23 September 1856, CW, 2:377-78.

Friday, September 19, 1856.+-

Lawrenceville, IL.

Lincoln has promised to speak today if he can possibly get there, and doubtless does since he speaks at Olney next day. Abraham Lincoln to Jesse K. Dubois, 19 August 1856, CW, 2:360; Speech at Olney, Illinois, 20 September 1856, CW, 2:376.

Saturday, September 20, 1856.+-

Olney, IL.

Lincoln, Douglas, and others appear at rally. According to Democratic reporter, Lincoln's crowd is so small he soon gives up. Speech at Olney, Illinois, 20 September 1856, CW, 2:376.

Sunday, September 21, 1856.+-

En route.

"I saw the 'four' [Trumbull, Douglas, Lincoln, Ebenezer Peck] on the cars next day," writes "Q", Olney correspondent who reported Saturday's meeting, "seated vis a vis, speaking of the things of Saturday in no uncomplimentary manner." Missouri Republican, 24 September 1856.

Tuesday, September 23, 1856.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Fremont meeting is held at old State House. Speaking starts at one o'clock. Lincoln, who arrives after meeting has opened, is second speaker. "He demonstrated that the Republicans are walking in the 'old paths'—read the recorded sentiments of Washington, Jefferson and others, and dwelt at length upon the position of Henry Clay, (now quoted against him,) the Nestor of the old Whig party." Speech at Vandalia, Illinois, 23 September 1856, CW, 2:377-78.

[At Taylorville, Christian County Commissioner's Court orders Lincoln paid $50 fee in Overholt & Squier v. Christian County, Illinois. Record.]

Wednesday, September 24, 1856.+-

Decatur, IL.

Republicans meet during morning in grove near town. Bross of Chicago "Democratic Press," J. C. Vaughn, and John Wentworth speak before dinner, and afterward Trumbull takes stand. "We were compelled to leave him speaking in order to mail this letter. He was to be followed by Mr. Lincoln." Chicago Democratic Press, 27 September 1856.

Lincoln's speech is exhortation to Fillmore men. This concludes outdoor meeting. At candlelight at courthouse Republicans hear Lawrence Weldon of Clinton, recent convert, and Owen Lovejoy. While he speaks, Democrats throw eggs through windows. Illinois State Chronicle, 2 October 1856.

Thursday, September 25, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

In morning delegates to Bloomington convention, Lincoln among them, meet at state house and nominate John Wood for lieutenant governor. In afternoon thousands gather in grove west of town and listen to several speakers. At night state house is crowded. Lincoln makes first speech. "Never was he so powerful, so strong in argument, so convincing in logic." Wentworth and Edwards follow. Illinois State Journal, 26 September 1856.

Saturday, September 27, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln answers letter from J. M. Sturtevant, President of Illinois College, urging him to become candidate for Congress. "Let me assure you," he says, "that I decline to be a candidate for congress, on my clear conviction, that my running would hurt, & not help the cause. I am willing to make any personal sacrafice, but I am not willing to do, what in my own judgment, is, a sacrafice of the cause itself." Abraham Lincoln to Julian M. Sturtevant, 27 September 1856, CW, 2:378-79.

Sunday, September 28, 1856.+-

En route and Peoria, IL.

Lincoln reaches Peoria on his way to Lacon rally. Peoria Weekly Republican, 3 October 1856.

Monday, September 29, 1856.+-

Peoria, IL and Lacon, IL.

Lincoln boards 11 A.M. train for Lacon. Peoria Weekly Republican, 3 October 1856.

Tuesday, September 30, 1856.+-

Lacon, IL.

Lincoln and Owen Lovejoy address meeting of Marshall County Republicans. Crowd, estimated at 2,000, includes delegation of several hundred from Henry who made trip in 64 wagons headed by Henry Brass Band. Henry (Ill.) Courier, in Chicago Journal, 6 October 1856.