Results 17 entries found

Friday, August 4, 1826.+-

Spencer County, IN.

[Thomas Lincoln is appointed on committee of Pigeon Baptist Church to interview persons not in good standing in church.Pigeon Church Record.]

Saturday, August 4, 1832.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln and other candidates make closing speeches of campaign. Stephen T. Logan recalled that Lincoln spoke in old court house in Springfield. "He was," says Logan, "a very tall and gawky and rough looking fellow then—his pantaloons didn't meet his shoes by six inches. But after he began speaking I became very much interested in him. He made a very sensible speech . . . attacking Benton's theory [of gold circulation] and I thought he did it very well."ISLA—Bulletin, No. 12.

Monday, August 4, 1834.+-

New Salem, IL.

Lincoln is elected to Ninth General Assembly. He runs second among 13 candidates, receiving only 14 votes less than John Dawson who leads field. Lincoln votes for Duncan for governor, W. F. Elkin for state senate, and for Stuart, Neale, Carpenter, and Dawson for legislature. On question of permanently locating state capital, New Salem precinct casts 250 of 256 votes for Springfield.Election Returns.

Tuesday, August 4, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Declaration written by Lincoln is filed in Circuit Court of Livingston County at Pontiac in Popejoy v. Wilson. Popejoy is seeking $2,000 damages for defamation of character. No other evidence of Lincoln's presence in Pontiac on this date is known, and it is possible declaration was sent from Springfield by mail or messenger.]

Wednesday, August 4, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Circuit Court devotes most of day to Francis & Sanford v. January & Dunlap. Jury is called and case tried by Strong for plaintiff and Logan & Lincoln for defendant. Jury retires and next morning brings in verdict of $2,556.72 for plaintiff. Lincoln writes answer of Philip S. Kreigh filed in Hay v. Bryan.Photocopy; Record.

Thursday, August 4, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln draws up affidavit and praecipe and requests clerk of Sangamon Circuit Court to issue summons in Norris v. Bunn. Norris charges that Bunn has accused him of forging note in New Jersey which Bunn paid. Lincoln represents plaintiff in court March 21, 1843, and case is dismissed by agreement.Record.

Monday, August 4, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln has his buggy repaired ($2.88).Obed Lewis Account Books.

Tuesday, August 4, 1846.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Lincoln's election as only Whig congressman from Illinois brings comment in Democratic newspapers: "We had hoped better results would have followed the nomination of Mr. Cartwright. But `General Apathy' seems to have controlled the Democratic party—and wherever he is commander-in-chief defeat ensues, as a natural consequence. Better luck next time."Illinois State Gazette (Shawneetown), 20 August 1846.]

Friday, August 4, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

While a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Lincoln co-authors a letter to Secretary of State James Buchanan. Lincoln and Representative James Houston Thomas of Tennessee request that Buchanan make available to them, "one democrat and one whig," some documents that Mexican leader Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna apparently sent to President Andrew Jackson in 1836 or 1837. Lincoln and Thomas are interested in "copies of the treaties or conventions, which he [Santa Anna] entered into with Texas." Lincoln and Thomas want to view the information "to clear up some misunderstanding in relation to that matter." In a postscript, Lincoln and Thomas write that they "do not insist upon" Buchanan's compliance with their request for the information if it "will impose any considerable amount of trouble upon" him. Abraham Lincoln and James Houston Thomas to James Buchanan, 4 August 1848, Record Group 59, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC; CW 10:10-11.

Saturday, August 4, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln buys more land, for Mrs. Bullock, from heirs of Matheny, paying $50. Record; Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Maria L. Bullock, 31 August 1855, CW, 2:323-25.

He deeds to Elijah Iles his own equity (for legal services) in Mrs. Bullock's land, and writes Mrs. Bullock's certification, with Josiah Francis signing as witness. He appends surveyor's certification also. He writes petition and notice in Jane Allen v. Robert Allen Jr., signing "Lincoln & Herndon for Petitioner." He adds his affidavit that he delivered true copy to defendant. Record; Photocopy.

Monday, August 4, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Herndon writes Trumbull: "Lincoln this moment has gone south east—down to Coles, Edgar &c will go further south." Lyman Trumbull Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Before leaving, Lincoln writes John Bennett letter in which he argues that vote for Fillmore is really vote for Buchanan. Choice is between Fremont and Buchanan, and unless Fillmore men prefer latter, they must vote for Fremont. He writes to H. G. Wells of Michigan, offering to take stump at Kalamazoo August 27, 1856, if he can get there. "I can not promise positively." Abraham Lincoln to John Bennett, 4 August 1856, CW, 2:358; Abraham Lincoln to Hezekiah G. Wells, 4 August 1856, CW, 2:358-59.

Wednesday, August 4, 1858.+-

Carlinville, IL.

Lincoln is in town for several hours. During evening he talks politics with John M. Palmer. Carlinville Free Democrat, 5 August 1858; Abraham Lincoln to John M. Palmer, 5 August 1858, CW, 2:536.

Thursday, August 4, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Robert buys two dozen nutmegs at Smith's. Pratt, Personal Finances, 158.

Saturday, August 4, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to former Springfield resident Simeon Francis, now of Portland, Oregon. Lincoln likes the Republican Party's chances for success in November, and he hopes to capture the states that Republican presidential candidate John C. Fremont won in 1856. Lincoln writes, "Add to these, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and New-Jersey, and the thing is done. Minnesota is as sure as such a thing can be; while the democracy are so divided between [Stephen A.] Douglas and [John C.] Breckenridge in Penn. & N. J. that they are scarcely less sure. Our friends are also confident in Indiana and Illinois." Abraham Lincoln to Simeon Francis, 4 August 1860, CW, 4:89-90.

Monday, August 4, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Delegation of Western men, including two congressmen, calls upon President to offer two Negro regiments from Indiana. President agrees to use men as laborers, but will not make them soldiers. Remarks to Deputation of Western Gentlemen, 4 August 1862, CW, 5:356-57; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 6 August 1862, 2d ed., 2:2.

Orders draft of 300,000 militia to serve for nine months. N.Y. Tribune, 5 August 1862; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 5 August 1862, 2d ed., 2:2.

President Lincoln writes to French author Agénor-Etienne de Gasparin, who wrote a book about America's Civil War, and who had written to Lincoln regarding the North's troop strength. Lincoln confides that he may have to institute "a draft." He explains that many men are "pay[ing] and send[ing] substitutes" rather than enlisting themselves. Lincoln adds, "I can only say that I have acted upon my best convictions without selfishness or malice, and that by the help of God, I shall continue to do so." Abraham Lincoln to Agénor-Etienne de Gasparin, 4 August 1862, CW, 5:355-56; Mary L. Booth, translator, The Uprising of a Great People, The United States in 1861, 3rd ed., (New York: Charles Scribner, 1861); Agenor-Etienne Gasparin to Abraham Lincoln, 18 July 1862, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Tuesday, August 4, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Cabinet meets. Seward talks on subject of prizes and prize courts. Welles, Diary.

Thursday, August 4, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Day of National Humiliation and Prayer appointed by President Lincoln. President and Postmaster General Montgomery Blair attend services at New York Avenue Prebyterian Church, where Dr. Septimus Tustin preached. Proclamation of a National Day of Prayer; Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 5 August 1864, 2d ed., 2:1, 3:1.

President receives dispatch at noon that Gen. Grant leaves City Point, Va., in two hours for Washington. Grant to Lincoln, 4 August 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.