Results 25 entries found

April 21, 1831-July 8, 1831.+-

April 21, 1831-July 8, 1831.

Flatboat journey to New Orleans is reported to have taken a month. John Hanks left boat in St. Louis, but Offutt, Lincoln, and Johnston continue to New Orleans and appear to have stayed a month. Lincoln and Offutt may have returned together to Springfield, for license to retail merchandise in Sangamon County is granted Denton Offutt July 8, 1831. Five-dollar fee indicates stock in store was valued at $1,000.Autobiography Written for John L. Scripps, [c. June 1860], CW, 4:60-67; County Commissioners' Record C, 256.

Saturday, April 21, 1832.+-

New Salem, IL and Richland, IL.

Lincoln gives William Sampson receipt "in full of all demands up to the day." Receipt to William Sampson, 21 April 1832, CW, 1:9.

[In 1860 Lincoln wrote: "In less than a year Offutt's business was failing—had almost failed—when the Black Hawk war of 1832—broke out."Autobiography Written for John L. Scripps, [c. June 1860], CW, 4:60-67.]

Black Hawk War recruits of New Salem neighborhood meet at farm of Dallis Scott on Richland Creek, nine miles southwest of New Salem. They form company and elect Lincoln captain. ISLA—Bulletin, No. 54; Elliott, Services of Illinois Soldiers, 100; Wayne C. Temple, Lincoln’s Arms, Dress and Military Duty During and After the Black Hawk War (Springfield: State of Illinois Military and Naval Department, 1981), 12-15.

Friday, April 21, 1837.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln acknowledges before Justice of Peace Thomas Moffett quit claim deed he gave Hewett & Baker yesterday.Deed Book K, 616.

Saturday, April 21, 1838.+-

Tremont, IL.

Lincoln writes and files the administrator's report for Benjamin Kellogg Jr., the administrator of Lewis F. Crain, deceased, in Ex parte Kellogg, a case to sell real estate. The judge issued a final decree during the fall 1837 term of the Tazewell County Circuit Court.Record; Photocopy.

Sunday, April 21, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Lincoln is probably en route to Carthage all day in order to cover 115 miles from Springfield in time to attend opening of Hancock Circuit Court.]

Tuesday, April 21, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and files amended declaration for plaintiff, Siloam Carter, in Carter v. Bennett & Ransdell in Sangamon Circuit Court. He filed declaration February 4, 1840. He files declaration in Ransdell v. Lightfoot & Lightfoot; and writes declaration and praecipe in Ransdell v. Calhoun.Photocopy; Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Wednesday, April 21, 1841.+-

Tremont, IL.

Field v. Averill & Lowell, assumpsit to collect $300 on note and $500 damages, Holmes and Edward Jones for plaintiff, Lincoln for defendants, is argued. Plaintiff files demurrer to defendants' plea, demurrer is sustained, and Lincoln wins agreement for continuance.Record.

Thursday, April 21, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Frederick A. Thomas, a Lawrence County attorney, to discuss the bankruptcy case of In re Flanders. Lincoln is Jonathan L. Flanders's attorney in Springfield, where the case is scheduled to be heard in the U.S. District Court. "The whole cost," he writes, "exclusive of lawyer's fees, will be, as we think, about $20. in something at least as good as Shawnee." In a postscript he adds, "Tell J. K. Dubois he must come to the Legislature again; that I am off the track, and that the wheels of government will inevitably stop with out the aid of one of us." Abraham Lincoln to Frederick A. Thomas, 21 April 1842, CW, 1:285-86.

Friday, April 21, 1843.+-

Bloomington, IL.

In Harkness et al. v. Davis, court gives leave to file depositions, and case is continued.Record.

Monday, April 21, 1845.+-

Bloomington, IL.

McLean Circuit Court convenes for five-day term. Lincoln loses assumpsit case involving himself when court dismisses Logan & Lincoln v. McClun and Harkness at plaintiffs' cost.Record.

[Mrs. Lincoln gives note to Robert Irwin, which neighbor conveys, and fetches $6.36 worth of yard goods, and $7.92 in groceries.Irwin Ledger and Journal.

Tuesday, April 21, 1846.+-

Bloomington, IL.

"In 1846 at the April term of the McLean Circuit Court, Lincoln represented Roswell Munsell, who kept bar in the Bloomington Hotel at Bloomington, Ill., in a suit against William H. Temple over the validity of his liquor license."William H. Townsend, Lincoln and Liquor (New York: Press of the Pioneers, 1935), 104.

Friday, April 21, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln answers Kellogg's letter. "I return the letter, because I suppose you will understand their notes better by seeing them, than you could by my writing about them."Abraham Lincoln to Benjamin Kellogg, Jr., 21 April 1848, CW, 1:466-67.

[House adjourns until April 24, 1848.]

Monday, April 21, 1851.+-

Bloomington, IL.

[Logan Circuit Court begins its session, and city election is held in Springfield.]

Wednesday, April 21, 1852.+-

Bloomington, IL.

In the McLean County Circuit Court, Lincoln represents defendants Benjamin Martin and Wilder Gurnsey in the case of Flagg & Ewing v. Martin and Gurnsey. Flagg and Ewing agree to dismiss their suit, and both sides agree to pay their own court costs. In the slander suit of Thompson v. Henline, Lincoln represents plaintiff David L. Thompson who seeks $3,000 in damages from George W. Henline. Thompson claims that Henline maligned him when Henline publicly declared that Thompson had committed bestiality. The parties make their arguments and present evidence before a jury. The members of the jury cannot agree on a verdict, and Judge David Davis discharges them. The parties reach an agreement, and the court dismisses the case. The court dismisses a bill for discovery in the debt case of Hawks, Osborn & Company v. Major, a suit that the Illinois Supreme Court had remanded back to the circuit court. Lincoln, William H. Holmes, and John M. Scott represent plaintiffs/business partners Matthew H. Hawks, James T. Walton, and Harmon Osborn. Judgment, 21 April 1852, Flagg & Ewing v. Martin and Gurnsey, Common Law Record 4, 262, McLean County Circuit Court, McLean County Courthouse, Bloomington, IL; Plea, Replication, 3 October 1851, Thompson v. Henline, Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Judgment, 21 April 1852, Thompson v. Henline, Common Law Record 4, 265, McLean County Circuit Court, McLean County Courthouse, Bloomington, IL; Opinion, 17 January 1851, Major v. Hawks, Osborn & Company, Illinois Supreme Court, Journal & Opinion Record CGD, 390, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; Order, 21 April 1852, Hawks, Osborn & Company v. Major, Common Law Record 4, 260, McLean County Circuit Court, McLean County Courthouse, Bloomington, IL.

Friday, April 21, 1854.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Lincoln is solicitor of another railroad, Chicago & Mississippi, in suit called against McLean County Bank and A. Gridley, administrator. Gridley files separate answer to complaint, and Lincoln agrees that administrator's answer stand as bank's answer. Lincoln files "replication to the said answer," and case is continued. Record.

Saturday, April 21, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln, signing firm name, writes and files praecipe in Lewis v. Dawson et al. in Sangamon Circuit Court. Photocopy.

Monday, April 21, 1856.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Lincoln, for complainant in Blanton et al. v. Withers et al. files replication, and case is continued. Record.

Tuesday, April 21, 1857.+-

Urbana, IL.

Lincoln writes to Thomas Meharry of Pleasant Hill, Ind., giving opinion of Meharry's claim to land in Vermilion and Champaign County. Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Meharry, 21 April 1857, CW, 2:393-94.

Wednesday, April 21, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Two Democratic conventions—Douglas and Buchanan wings of party—meet in Springfield. Lincoln and other Republicans are on hand to observe. In evening Republican conference is held in state library. G. T. Brown to Trumbull, 21 April 1858, Lyman Trumbull Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Lincoln sums up: "The democracy parted in not a very encouraged state of mind. . . . Our friends . . . parted in high spirits." Abraham Lincoln to Elihu B. Washburne, 26 April 1858, CW, 2:443-44.

Lincoln reads letter Herndon received from Washburne saying he is not for Douglas. "Did him good—" writes Herndon to Washburne. Lincoln "sends you back his best respects and says all is right." William H. Herndon to Elihu B. Washburne, 21 April 1858, Elihu B. Washburne Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; C. H. Ray to Washburne, 21 April 1858, Elihu B. Washburne Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Thursday, April 21, 1859.+-

Urbana, IL.

People v. Patterson, manslaughter, is tried by jury, which finds accused guilty. He is sentenced to three years. Lincoln and Swett act for defense. Record.

[Robert brings home sugar and cinnamon from Smith's. Pratt, Personal Finances, 156.]

Saturday, April 21, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

To Hawkins Taylor, supporter who expects to attend Chicago convention, Lincoln writes: "I am glad there is a prospect of your party passing this way to Chicago. Wishing to make your visit here as pleasant as we can, we wish you to notify us as soon as possible, whether you come this way, how many, and when you will arrive." Abraham Lincoln to Hawkins Taylor, 21 April 1860, CW, 4:45.

Sunday, April 21, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President and John Hay, assistant secretary to President, look down bay from roof of White House. Dennett, Hay Diaries and Letters, 6.

Cabinet again convenes in Navy Dept. to plan action of government. Randall, Lincoln, 1:364.

Lucius E. Chittenden, registrar of treasury, takes Dr. James Wynne, author and resident of New York, to White House for conference on conditions in New York. Lucius E. Chittenden, Recollections of President Lincoln and his Administration (New York: Harper, 1891), 118-19.

From late morning to early afternoon, President confers further with Mayor George W. Brown (Baltimore), General Winfield Scott, and cabinet on moving troops through Maryland. National Republican (Washington, DC), 23 April 1861, 2:4-5; Randall, Lincoln, 3:159.

Monday, April 21, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President informs Gen. McClellan of evacuation of Fredericksburg, Va., and position of Gen. McDowell's forces. Lincoln to McClellan, 21 April 1862, George B. McClellan Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to George B. McClellan, 21 April 1862, CW, 5:195.

Grants interview to Mrs. Margarethe M. Schurz. CW, 8:489.

Tuesday, April 21, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Cabinet meets. "Only some light matters came before" it. Welles, Diary.

President sends congratulations to Frederic VII, King of Denmark, on marriage to Princess Alexandra to Prince of Wales. Abraham Lincoln to Frederic VII, 21 April 1863, CW, 6:182-83.

Ask Secs. Seward and Welles for information to help decide practical question of proper disposition of government mail of a neutral power found on board vessel captured by belligerent power. Abraham Lincoln to William H. Seward and Gideon Welles, 21 April 1863, CW, 6:183-84.

Thursday, April 21, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

President reviews 72 courtmartial cases. Abraham Lincoln to George G. Meade, 21 April 1864, CW, 7:307.

Confers with governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa about enlistments and calls another meeting for 7 P.M., with Gen. Halleck and Sec. Stanton present. Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 21 April 1864, CW, 7:308.