Results 22 entries found

Wednesday, February 15, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln votes yea on bill to incorporate Illinois Beet-Sugar, Silk and Vegetable Oil Manufacturing Co. He opposes move to table bill relocating penitentiary.House Journal.

Friday, February 15, 1839.+-

Vandalia, IL.

On Lincoln's motion, House agrees to hear reports of select committees. He reports bill for relief of Sangamon circuit clerk, with amendments, which are concurred in.House Journal.

Saturday, February 15, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Second number of The Old Soldier is published. Old Soldier (Springfield, IL), Issue 2, 15 February 1840.]

Monday, February 15, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln reports from Committee on Finance, with amendments, act supplemental to charter of Springfield and Alton Turnpike Co. On his motion, bill is tabled. Act for debtor relief is refused second reading, Lincoln voting nay.House Journal.

Tuesday, February 15, 1842.+-

New Salem, IL.

Bowling Green's funeral is probably held today. Lincoln attends, and at Mrs. Green's request, tries to say something at grave. Accounts of what he says are conflicting, some stating that his remarks are beautiful, others saying he is choked with emotion. Sangamo Journal, 18 February 1842.

Lincoln deposits $27.50 cash into his account with a Springfield merchant. Account (copy), 15 February 1842, Irwin & Corneau Account Book, 252, microfilm, IHi, Springfield, IL.

[Joshua F. Speed and Fanny Henning are married near Louisville. Joshua F. Speed, Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and Notes of a Visit to California: Two Lectures (Louisville, KY: J. P. Morton, 1884), 5.]

Wednesday, February 15, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Greathouse & Chesnut v. Smith, action of debt from Macoupin County, is submitted to court by Brayman for appellant and Lincoln for appellee without argument.Record.

(On February 18, 1843 judgment of trial court is affirmed. 4 Ill. 541.)

Thursday, February 15, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

"Mrs. Mosley" buys dollar's worth of nails and charges to Lincoln's account.Irwin Ledger and Journal.

Saturday, February 15, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Argument is concluded by Lincoln in Cook v. Hall. At later date lower court judgment is affirmed. Field et al. v. Rawlings, action of debt on surety bond, is argued by Lincoln for plaintiff and by Trumbull and McDougall for defendant. Case is submitted to court. (Lincoln wins case when judgment is reversed February 24, 1845.) Record; 6 Ill. 581.

Lincoln buys 50¢ pair scissors. Irwin Ledger.

Monday, February 15, 1847.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is attorney for appellants in Shaeffer & Shaeffer v. Weed et al., suit to enforce mechanic's lien. He is opposed by Stickney and Bledsoe. Case is appeal from White County Circuit Court. Welch et al. v. Sykes is continued by consent. Young and Lincoln are attorneys for appellant. Record.

Tuesday, February 15, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Congressman Lincoln responds to a letter from his law partner William H. Herndon. Herndon and Lincoln differ on whether or not the Constitution granted power to President James K. Polk to enter into a war with Mexico. Lincoln contends that Congress has the "war-making power." He warns, "Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so, whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose—and you allow him to make war at pleasure." Lincoln adds, "your view . . . places our President where kings have always stood."Abraham Lincoln to William H. Herndon, 15 February 1848, CW, 1:451-52.

He votes on two roll calls on bill authorizing loan for prosecution of war.Globe.

National Intelligencer announces Lincoln and Douglas as Illinois managers of "Birth Night Ball" planned for February 22, 1848 to raise money for Washington Monument.

Thursday, February 15, 1849.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln votes against motion to table bill to incorporate Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steam Packet Company. It is defeated 70-106. He votes for bill to settle private claims against U.S. Bill is rejected 85-98. Globe.

Friday, February 15, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to John Tillson, early settler, land-owner and philanthropist of Quincy, in behalf of "a near and favorite" neighbor, Mrs. Stout, who "thinks that some relatives of hers in Bond county have not done exactly right with her in relation to the estates of her grand-father & grand-mother, and that you have some knowledge on the subject." Abraham Lincoln to John Tillson, 15 February 1850, CW, 2:73.

Tuesday, February 15, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to John A. Rockwell for whom he attempted to secure coal mining charter. It "was lost for want of time. No one was opposed to it, but every one was much more anxious about some other Bill. . . . If you continue to desire it, I will get it passed at the next Session—it being borne in mind that at a called Session the door may not be opened for such business." Abraham Lincoln to John A. Rockwell, 15 February 1853, CW, 2:190-91.

Thursday, February 15, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln hosts a "large number of anti-Nebraska members of the Legislature." A newspaper reports, "[M]embers of the Legislature met . . . and partook of a dinner provided by the liberality of Mr. Lincoln, at which there was besides good eating, good speeches made, and excellent sentiments offered. The affair passed off very pleasantly." Illinois Daily Journal (Springfield), 16 February 1855, 3:1.

Lincoln buys castor oil and calomel. Pratt, Personal Finances, 151.

Friday, February 15, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Elihu N. Powell what he has done in Aspinall case. He finished checking facts "and filed the declaration Q.E.D." Abraham Lincoln to Elihu N. Powell, 15 February 1856, CW, 2:331-32.

Monday, February 15, 1858.+-

Chicago, IL.

"Mr. Lincoln is now in Chicago," writes John O. Johnson of Springfield to Senator Trumbull, "left here yesterday and will return by Saturday next." Lyman Trumbull Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

[U.S. Circuit Court denies motion for new trial in Gale v. Morgan County Bank. Record.]

Tuesday, February 15, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln pays $129 on his account with C. M. Smith, Spring-field merchant who married Mrs. Lincoln's sister. He deposits $60 in his bank account. C. M. Smith Account Book, IHi; Marine Bank Ledger.

Friday, February 15, 1861.+-

Pittsburgh, PA and Cleveland, OH.

At 8:30 A.M. Lincoln appears on balcony of Monongahela House, and delivers longest address of journey. Multitude of 5,000 stands in rain in front of hotel. Mayor George Wilson introduces Lincoln, who repeats remarks made in Columbus, Ohio then comments on tariff: "So long as direct taxation for the support of government is not resorted to, a tariff is necessary. . . . I have long thought that if there be any article of necessity which can be produced at home with as little or nearly the same labor as abroad, it would be better to protect that article. Labor is the true standard of value. . . . According to my political education, I am inclined to believe that the people in the various sections of the country should have their own views carried out through their representatives in Congress, . . . so that . . . adequate protection can be extended to the coal and iron of Pennsylvania, the corn of Illinois, and the 'reapers of Chicago.' " Lincoln visits Leonard Swett, elector-at-large from Illinois, who has been detained at hotel several weeks by sickness. Cincinnati Commercial, 16 February 1861; Speech at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15 February 1861, CW, 4:210-15.

Leaves immediately for depot through streets lined with people. Villard, Eve of '61, 85-87.

Kisses little boy and three lasses while waiting in crowd at depot, part of time in rain. Cincinnati Commercial, 16 February 1861.

Train departs 10 A.M. and retraces journey through Rochester, Pa., to Wellsville, Ohio. Lincoln tells assemblage at Wellsville that he will not speak, because he did so day before. At Salineville and Bayard, Ohio, responds to cheering crowds by saluting and bowing. Cincinnati Commercial, 16 February 1861.

At Alliance, Ohio, he offers remarks that now have become routine: "I appear before you merely to greet you and say farewell. . . . If I should make a speech at every town, I would not get to Washington until some time after the inauguration." Remarks at Alliance, Ohio, 15 February 1861, CW, 4:215.

Accepts hospitality of John N. McCullough, president of railroad, and has dinner at Sourbeck's Hotel. Company of Canton Zouaves stands guard, band plays national airs, and gun salute shatters window during meal, sprinkling glass on Mrs. Lincoln. From temporary stand in front of depot, Lincoln thanks citizens for rousing reception and excuses himself from speaking. Cincinnati Commercial, 16 February 1861.

At Hudson, Ohio, crowd engulfs train. Lincoln steps out on train platform and remarks: "You see by my voice that I am quite hoarse. You will not, therefore, expect a speech from me." Remarks at Hudson, Ohio, 15 February 1861, CW, 4:217-18.

At Ravenna, Ohio, says: "There are doubtless those here who did not vote for me, but I believe we make common cause for the Union." Remarks at Ravenna, Ohio, 15 February 1861, CW, 4:217.

Lincoln, less talkative during day, sits in rear car reading newspapers and reflecting. Cincinnati Commercial, 16 February 1861.

Accepts invitation of Select and Common Councils of Philadelphia to visit city and sets 21st as date. Abraham Lincoln to William P. Hacker and Others, 15 February 1861, CW, 4:216.

Arrives at Cleveland in snow storm. Nicolay to Bates, 17 February 1861, John G. Nicolay Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Detrains two miles from center of city. "Deafening shout from tens of thousands was re-echoed by roar of artillery." Enters open carriage at approximately 4:30 P.M. Escort of military (Cleveland Grays) and fire companies joins procession to Weddell House. Acting Mayor J. N. Masters and Judge Sherlock J. Andrews welcome him. Lincoln replies: "I think that there is no occasion for any excitement. The crisis, as it is called, is altogether an artificial crisis." Cincinnati Commercial, 16 February 1861; Speech at Cleveland, Ohio, 15 February 1861, CW, 4:215-16.

Attends brilliant reception in his honor given in evening. Separate levee held for Mrs. Lincoln. At 10 P.M. Lincoln and suite are guests at supper in Weddell House, where they have lodgings. Cincinnati Commercial, 16 February 1861.

[Another version of temporary loss of First Inaugural Address has it occurring in Cleveland, where it is mislaid by Robert Lincoln. Col. James T. Sterling, "How Lincoln 'Lost' His Inaugural Address," Lincoln Herald 45 (February 1944):23-25.

See also February 11, 1861.] [Irwin withdraws $39.59 from Springfield Marine Bank. Pratt, Personal Finances, 176.]

Saturday, February 15, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief of Army and Navy officially thanks officers and men taking part in capture of Fort Henry, Tenn., and Roanoke Island, N.C. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 15 February 1862, 2d ed., 3:5.

Recommends to Congress that Capt. Louis M. Goldsborough (USN) receive vote of thanks for gallantry displayed in capture of Roanoke Island. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate and House of Representatives, 15 February 1862, CW, 5:134.

Sends to Isabel II, Queen of Spain, letter of congratulation on birth of prince and letter of condolence on death of daughter. Abraham Lincoln to Isabel II, 15 February 1862, CW, 5:133; Abraham Lincoln to Isabel II, 15 February 1862, CW, 5:133-34.

Committee on Conduct of War requests 8 P.M. interview with Lincoln. Wade to Lincoln, 14 February 1862, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

"Reception at White House due today is omitted in consequence of the continued illness in the family of the President." Philadelphia News, 17 February 1862; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 14 February 1862, 2d ed., 2:1.

[Harness shop charges Lincoln $6.00 for repairs, chamois, and sponges. Lutz Account Book.]

Sunday, February 15, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Gen. Andrew J. Hamilton recommends to President that separate department be created for Texas. Hamilton to Lincoln, 16 February 1863, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

President studies plan to attack Charleston with Gens. Halleck and John G. Foster and with Sec. Stanton and Asst. Sec. Fox. Gustavus V. Fox, Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, 2 vols. (New York: n.p., 1918), 1:179-80.

6 P.M. Gen. Butler is guest at informal White House dinner. Butler, Correspondence, 3:13.

Monday, February 15, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln calls at Treasury Dept. to discuss replacement for Hiram Barney as collector of customs at New York. Abraham Lincoln to Salmon P. Chase, 15 February 1864, CW, 7:184.

Requests Gen. Sickles to make tour for observation and information from Cairo, Ill., to New Orleans and return by sea. Abraham Lincoln to Daniel E. Sickles, 15 February 1864, CW, 7:185.

Does not approve bill to guarantee republican form of government to states in rebellion. Albert G. Riddle, Recollections of War Times: Reminiscences of Men and Events in Washington, 1860-1865 (New York: Putnam, 1895), 298.

Mrs. Lincoln, accompanied by Robert and Harvard friends, attends evening tableaux at Willard's. Performance by amateurs of élite of Washington for benefit of Sanitary Commission. Washington Chronicle, 16 February 1864; Washington National Republican, 16 February 1864.

Confers with Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt on courtmartial cases. CW, 8:532.

Requests, through Nicolay, that James E. Murdoch read enclosed poem, "Am I For Peace? Yes!," at benefit for U.S. Sanitary Commission this evening. CW, 8:532.

Wednesday, February 15, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln authorizes Dr. Ray to carry on certain trade, subject to treasury regulations, in enemy territory. Authorization for Charles H. Ray, 15 February 1865, CW, 8:299.

Interviews Mary McCook Baldwin of Tennessee and gives her card to see H. A. Risley. Abraham Lincoln to Hanson A. Risley, 15 February 1865, CW, 8:300.

President and Mrs. Lincoln usually breakfast at 9 A.M. President goes to office at 9:30 A.M. William H. Crook, "Lincoln as I Knew Him. Compiled and written down by Margarita S. Gerry," Harper's Monthly Magazine 114 (December 1906):111.

Orders that prisons designated for confinement of prisoners under sentence of courtmartial "shall be deemed and taken to be military prisons." Order Concerning Prisoners, 15 February 1865, CW, 8:300.

At 2:00 P.M. attends funeral of Senator Thomas H. Hicks (Md.) in the Senate chamber of the Capitol, accompanied by Secretaries Seward and Dennison and Attorney General Speed. Joins procession to Congressional Cemetery for interment. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 15 February 1865, 2d ed., 2:4.