Results 15 entries found

Saturday, August 10, 1833.+-

New Salem, IL.

Lincoln writes to fellow veteran Eli C. Blankenship, who seeks information concerning David Rankin, who served under Lincoln in the Black Hawk War. Lincoln explains, "[Isaac Guliher] being an acquaintance of mine and belonging to the company in which Rankin wished to go wished to leave it and join mine . . . [I]t was agreed that they should exchange places and answer to each others names—as it was expected we all would be discharged in very few days. . . . The above embraces all the facts now in my recollection."Abraham Lincoln to Eli C. Blankenship, 10 August 1833, CW, 1:19; Ellen M. Whitney, ed., The Black Hawk War 1831-1832: Volume 1 Illinois Volunteers, Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library (Springfield: Illinois State Historical Library, 1970), 35:79, 96, 126, 176-178, 222, 224 .

[Muster roll of Lincoln's company shows that David Rankin transferred to foot company of Capt. Seth Pratt May 19, 1833, and on this day Isaac Gulihur transferred to Lincoln's company from Pratt's company.Photocopy.]

[James D. Henry files suit in the Sangamon County Circuit Court in Henry for use of McCandless and Emmerson v. Alley and Lincoln," seeking a judgment on a note given by Alley and Lincoln on October 30, 1832.Record.]

Tuesday, August 10, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln makes affidavit to circuit clerk that Alexander Fulton and Hannah Fulton, two defendants in Barret v. Fulton et al., reside out of state. He makes similar affidavit in regard to Thomas H. Gentry in divorce suit of Gentry v. Gentry.Photocopy.

Lincoln buys 75¢ worth of merchandise from a Springfield merchant.Account (copy), 10 August 1841, Irwin & Corneau Account Book, 252, microfilm, IHi, Springfield, IL.

Thursday, August 10, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln signs bond of Strother G. Jones, constable.Photocopy.

Thursday, August 10, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

House debates Senate amendments to general appropriations bill. Lincoln votes against amendment striking out Savannah River appropriation. It passes 95-92.Globe.

[Senate amends House bill establishing territorial government in Oregon by inserting provision extending Missouri Compromise line to Pacific.]

Tuesday, August 10, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Justin Butterfield, commissioner of General Land Office in Washington, asking how to proceed to get title to tract of land applied for by J. T. Stuart but sold to subsequent bidder at same price bid by Stuart. Abraham Lincoln to Justin Butterfield, 10 August 1852, CW, 2:134-35.

Friday, August 10, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln purchases paper of "Horse Powder" at drug store. Pratt, Personal Finances, 151.

Sunday, August 10, 1856.+-

Shelbyville, IL and En route.

[On 11th Lincoln writes that he has just returned from Shelbyville. Under conditions prevailing it was almost impossible to make trip in one day; therefore he must have started on 10th.]

Monday, August 10, 1857.+-

Springfield, IL.

Summer term of Sangamon Circuit Court commences. "The grand jury was organized, the docket called and a number of motions of various kinds and for various objects were made. Nothing of any general interest to the reader transpired." Register, 11 August 1857.

Tuesday, August 10, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

A newspaper correspondent in Springfield comments on Lincoln's popularity: "The old Whigs are rallying under him, whom they know to be a true and tried standard bearer, and the able opponent of Douglas." The correspondent adds, "Mr. Lincoln leaves to morrow evening for Beardstown, where he will throw some of his hot shot into the Douglas camp, and charge home upon the doughface. It will be the work of Lincoln to show the people the truth and to paint the dodger as he is." Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 12 August 1858, 2:3.

Lincoln writes a letter to Albert Parker and remarks, "As to politics I am doing what I can for the cause. They have a meeting at Tremont on Saturday the 14th and I wish you would go down and mingle with your old friends upon that occasion." Abraham Lincoln to Albert Parker, 10 August 1858, CW, 2:538.

Wednesday, August 10, 1859.+-

En route and St. Joseph, MO

[If Lincoln and Hatch go to Council Bluffs by route of return, they travel to Quincy by rail, cross river there and proceed by rail to St. Joseph. Probably they stay night at St. Joseph.]

Friday, August 10, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Cassius M. Clay proposing change in his Illinois speaking engagements. "As to the inaugural, I have not yet commenced getting it up; while it affords me great pleasure to be able to say the cliques have not yet commenced upon me." Abraham Lincoln to Cassius M. Clay, 10 August 1860, CW, 4:92-93.

Saturday, August 10, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President calls on Gen. Scott at home to adjust differences between Scott and Gen. McClellan. Official Records—Armies 1, XI, pt. 3, 5.

Prince Napoleon takes leave of President and returns to New York. N.Y. Times, 12 August 1861.

Sunday, August 10, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

In conference with President, Judge Wright offers to lead Negro regiments into battle. N.Y. Tribune, 11 August 1862.

Monday, August 10, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln assures Gen. Rosecrans: "I am not casting blame upon you. I rather think, by great exertion, you can get to East Tennessee. . . . I think of you in all kindness and confidence: . . . I am not watching you with an evil-eye." Abraham Lincoln to William S. Rosecrans, 10 August 1863, CW, 6:377-78.

President Lincoln meets with Senator Samuel Pomeroy, of Kansas, and with abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass. Lincoln's personal secretary John Hay recorded, "[Douglass] intends to go south and help the recruiting among his people." Also on this day, Lincoln adds the endorsement, "I concur," to a letter that the Secretary of the Interior John Usher and Senator Pomeroy signed. The letter acknowledges, "Douglass, is . . . a loyal, free, man, and is, hence, entitled to travel, unmolested. We trust he will be recognized everywhere, as a free man, and a gentleman." Michael Burlingame and John R. Turner Ettlinger, eds., Inside Lincoln's White House: The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1997), 72; Pass for Frederick Douglass, 10 August 1863, CW, 10:198; Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 11 August 1863, 2:4.

Gen. Hooker visits Lincoln and accepts offer of command under Gen. Meade. Abraham Lincoln to George G. Meade, 11 August 1863, CW, 6:381.

At cabinet meeting President reads letter from Gov. Seymour (N.Y.) asking that draft be postponed and his own reply refusing to postpone it. Welles, Diary.

Writes Mrs. Elizabeth E. Hutter, Miss Claghorn, and Misses Lager of Philadelphia: "If anything could enhance to me the value of this representation of our national ensign, so elegantly executed and so gracefully bestowed, it would be the consideration that its price has been devoted to the comfort and restoration of those heroic men, who have suffered and bled in our flag's defense." Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Hutter, Misses Lager, and Miss Claghorn, 10 August 1863, CW, 6:375-76.

Sends his ideas regarding treatment of captured neutrals in prize courts to Sec. Seward, and concludes: "My judgment [is] that the within, substantially, should be the answer to Lord Lyons." Abraham Lincoln to William H. Seward, 10 August 1863, CW, 6:378-80.

Inquires of Sec. Stanton : "I have not heard of any charges being filed against Gen. J. A. McClernand. Are there any?" Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 10 August 1863, CW, 6:380.

Wednesday, August 10, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln discusses plight of Negroes with Col. John Eaton, Jr., superintendent of freedmen for Dept. of the Tennessee. John Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen: Reminiscences of the Civil War with Special Reference to the Work for the Contrabands and Freedmen of the Mississippi Valley (New York: Longmans, Green, 1907), 168.