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Thursday, April 13, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

President visits telegraph office early in morning. Exchanges pleasantries with operator, Charles A. Tinker, and goes to Sec. Stanton 's office. Bates, Telegraph Office, 206.

Interviews Gen. Grant and Stanton on military problems. Josiah G. Holland, The Life of Abraham Lincoln (Springfield, MA: G. Bill, 1866), 512.

Confers again with Sec. Welles regarding reestablishment of authority in Confederate States. Welles, Diary.

Rides horseback to Soldiers' Home. Discusses various topics with Asst. Sec. of Treasury Maunsell B. Field, who is riding in carriage. Appears weary and sad. Maunsell B. Field, Memories of Many Men and of Some Women (New York: Harper, 1874), 321.

Issues series of passes: to "visit Mobile, if, and when the city shall be in our possession;" to "our lines into Virginia & return;" and "to Richmond if he chooses." Pass for A. B. Darling, 13 April 1865, CW, 8:409; Pass for G. T. Jenkins and J. M. Hiatt, 13 April 1865, CW, 8:409; Pass for Robert C. Schenck, 13 April 1865, CW, 8:409; Pass for James W. Singleton, 13 April 1865, CW, 8:410.

President Lincoln writes to his friend and U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Davis regarding a conflict between Davis and U.S Attorney General James Speed. Davis is upset over a matter involving Speed and Judge Samuel C. Parks, who serves on the Idaho Territory's Supreme Court. Lincoln writes, "Seeing your letter was about our friend Sam. Parks, I handed it to . . . Speed without reading into it far enough to discover that you were a little sharp on him. He answers, however, in good temper, & I send it to you. It will never do for you and Mr. Speed to be on other than good understanding." Abraham Lincoln to David Davis, 13 April 1865, CW, 10:286-287.

Writes check to "Self" for $800.00. CW, 8:588.