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Monday, March 20, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

President Lincoln telegraphs Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, who invited Lincoln to visit him "for a day or two" at City Point, Virginia. Grant explained, "I would like very much to see you and I think the rest would do you good." Lincoln responds, "Had already thought of going immediately after the next rain. Will go sooner if any reason for it. Mrs. L. and a few others will probably accompany me. Will notify you of exact time, once it shall be fixed upon." Ulysses S. Grant to Abraham Lincoln, 20 March 1865, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to Ulysses S. Grant, 20 March 1865, CW, 8:367.

Interviews Cong. Thomas T. Davis (N.Y.), seeking discharge of Peter Lake, prisoner of war. Order Concerning Peter Lake, 20 March 1865, CW, 8:368.

Invites Gov. Swann (Md.) and Sen. John A. J. Creswell (Md.) to conference on appointments. Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Swann, 20 March 1865, CW, 8:369.

Receives Gov. Pickering (Washington Terr.) for conference on reappointment. Pickering to Washburne, 18 May 1865, Elihu B. Washburne Papers, Library of Congress, Washington DC.

Asst. Sec. Fox accompanies Lt. Comdr. John S. Barnes (USN) commanding U.S.S. "Bat" to White House for instructions regarding trip to City Point. Barnes, "With Lincoln," 515-17.

President interviews Baron de Stoeckl and expresses belief that war will be over by end of year. Albert A. Woldman, Lincoln and the Russians (Cleveland: World Publishing Co., 1952), 253.

Grants request of Granville Moody, Ohio clergyman, and appoints Joseph M. Patterson, one-armed soldier, postmaster. Moody to Lincoln, 27 March 1865, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.