Results 1 entry found

Thursday, October 17, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President has Thomas H. Clay, son of Henry Clay, and several other Kentuckians as dinner guests. N.Y. Herald, 18 October 1861.

Interviews Dr. Bellows, Bishop Thomas M. Clark of Rhode Island, and George T. Strong, New York lawyer and treasurer of U.S. Sanitary Commission, regarding office of surgeon general and subject of exchange of prisoners. George Templeton Strong, Diary, 4 vols., edited by Allen Nevins and Milton Halsey Thomas (New York: Macmillan, 1952).

Calls on Sec. Seward and Gen. McClellan in evening. Hay, Letters and Diary.

Writes Col. Ramsay: "The lady—bearer of this—says she has two sons who want to work. Set them at it, if possible. Wanting to work is so rare a merit, that it should be encouraged." Abraham Lincoln to George D. Ramsay, 17 October 1861, CW, 4:556.

[President's account charged $2.25 for 2 sponges and "water brush." Lutz Account Book.]