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Thursday, August 8, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President and Postmaster General Montgomery Blair visit Navy Yard to observe experiments with Maynard's rifle and Alexander's cartridge. National Republican (Washington, DC), 9 August 1861, 3:3; New York Herald, 9 August 1861.

Lincoln reviews Col. Daniel E. Sickles' New York Brigade and two Wisconsin regiments. N.Y. Times, 9 August 1861.

Interviews Edward Ellsworth, 4th Regiment Michigan Volunteers, cousin of late Col. Ellsworth, who wishes to be a second lieutenant, and writes Sec. Cameron: "I shall be glad if a place can be found for him." Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, 8 August 1861, CW, 4:479.

President Lincoln writes to Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase and requests "respectful consideration" for Elias Leonard. Lincoln explains, "It is said that . . . Leonard lost his situation as a clerk in a Mercantile House by serving a term in the District volunteers for us; and his young wife calls, to ask a clerkship for him in your Dept." Lincoln marks the envelope, "From the President asking interview for Mrs. Leonard." Abraham Lincoln to Salmon P. Chase, 8 August 1861, RG 56, Entry 210: Part II, Records of Various Divisions within the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, Records of the Division of Appointments, Correspondence of the Division, Applications and Recommendations for Positions in the Washington, D. C. Offices of the Treasury Department, 1830-1910, National Archives, College Park, MD.

Thomas M. Key, volunteer aide to Gen. McClellan, delivers to President copy of McClellan's letter to Gen. Scott. McClellan to Scott, 8 August 1861, George B. McClellan Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

[Willie and Tad Lincoln, dressed in Zouave uniforms, camp out between the Executive Mansion and the State Department in new patent iron tents. National Republican (Washington, DC), 10 August 1861, 3:2.]