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Tuesday, July 23, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President Lincoln and Secretary of State William H. Seward "visit . . . various camps over the [Potomac] river." When they arrive at Fort Corcoran, located in Alexandria, Virginia, the soldiers with the New York Sixty-ninth Infantry Regiment greet them "with the greatest enthusiasm." A newspaper reports, "The President asked if they intended to re-enlist? The reply was that 'they would if the President desired it.' He announced emphatically that he did . . . This was received with cheers, and the determination expressed to go in for the war and stand by the government and the old flag for ever." Evening Star (Washington, DC), 24 July 1861, 3:1; New York Herald (NY), 24 July 1861, 1:1-2; Remarks to the Sixty-Ninth New York Regiment, 23 July 1861, CW, 4:458.

Lincoln writes memorandum on military policy suggested by Bull Run defeat. Memoranda of Military Policy Suggested by the Bull Run Defeat, 23 July 1861, CW, 4:457-58.

Disgruntled captain tells Lincoln of Gen. Sherman having threatened to shoot him, to which Lincoln replies: "Well, if I were you and he threatened to shoot, I would not trust him, for I believe he would do it." William T. Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, by Himself, 2 vols. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1957), 1:188-91.

Lincoln and Sen. Sumner (Mass.) discuss emancipation until midnight. Pierce, Sumner Memoir and Letters, 4:42.

[Mrs. Lincoln receives gift of Confederate flag captured by Zouaves from Louisiana regiment. N.Y. Tribune, 25 July 1861.]

Lincoln approves payment of bill for $1,500.00 to A. P. Zimandy for set of glass ware "rich cut and Engd with U.S. Coat of Arms." DNA—RG 217, General Accounting Office, 141-158.