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Tuesday, October 23, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to David Turnham, friend of Indiana days: "I well remember when you and I last met, after a separation of fourteen years, at the cross-road voting place, in the fall of 1844. It is now sixteen years more and we are both no longer young men. I suppose you are a grandfather; and I, though married much later in life, have a son nearly grown." He tells William S. Speer of Tennessee that anything he might write disclaiming intention of interfering with slaves in slave states "would do no good." He has already many times said that in print. Abraham Lincoln to David Turnham, 23 October 1860, CW, 4:130-31; Abraham Lincoln to William S. Speer, 23 October 1860, CW, 4:130.

Mrs. Lincoln buys cloth and buttons which come to $16.35. Pratt, Personal Finances, 150.