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Tuesday, June 19, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

"Lincoln is well and doing well," writes Herndon to Trumbull. "Has thousands of letters daily, many visitors every hour from all sections. He is bored, bored badly." Lyman Trumbull Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Lincoln, indignant, writes Galloway of Ohio: "Messrs. Follett, Foster & Co's Life of me is not by my authority; and I have scarcely been so much astounded by anything, as by their public announcement that it is authorized by me." He asks Galloway to "look it over, & exclude what you may think would embarrass the party—bearing in mind, at all times, that I authorize nothing—will be responsible fornothing." Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Galloway, 19 June 1860, CW, 4:79-80.