Results 1 entry found

Wednesday, December 14, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Judd again, enclosing formal denial addressed to Messrs. Dole, Hubbard, and Brown, of Judd's "treachery" in 1855, his supposed half-heartedness in 1858, and his general conduct. To Judd himself Lincoln says: "I find some of our friends here, attach more consequence to getting the National convention into our State than I did, or do. Some of them made me promise to say so to you." Abraham Lincoln to Norman B. Judd, 14 December 1859, CW, 3:509; Abraham Lincoln to George W. Dole, Gurdon S. Hubbard, and William H. Brown, 14 December 1859, CW, 3:507-9.