Results 1 entry found

Friday, December 9, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Judd, avowing his belief in Judd's loyalty in spite of constant charges to contrary. "As to the charge of your intriguing for Trumbull against me, I believe as little of that as any other charge." Lincoln says he is pledged not to contest Trumbull's seat, although he "would rather have a full term in the Senate than in the Presidency." He writes notes to two Kansas Republicans, Levant L. Jones and Daniel W. Wilder, explaining why he could not accept their invitations on his Kansas tour. Abraham Lincoln to Norman B. Judd, 9 December 1859, CW, 3:505-6; Abraham Lincoln to Levant L. Jones, 9 December 1859, CW, 3:504-5; Abraham Lincoln to Daniel W. Wilder, 9 December 1859, CW, 3:506.

He makes $87 bank deposit. Marine Bank Ledger.