Results 1 entry found

Tuesday, February 9, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

In the U. S. Circuit Court, the defendant James A. Barret asks the court for a continuance in the case of Emmitt v. Barret, a dispute involving a promissory note. Elliott B. Herndon and John A. McClernand represent Barret, and Lincoln, Lucien B. Adams, Thomas H. Lewis, and William H. Herndon represent the plaintiff James Emmitt. The attorneys' arguments on the motion "occupied the time of the court until the hour of adjournment." Judge Samuel H. Treat orders "that the further argument be continued until tomorrow morning." Order, 9 February 1858, Emmitt v. Barret, Record Group 21, General Records, Vol. 1, 298; Declaration, filed 2 January 1858, Emmitt v. Barret, Record Group 21, case file 279, both in U.S. Circuit Court, Southern District of Illinois, National Archives and Records Administration, Great Lakes Region, Chicago, IL.