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Tuesday, February 15, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Congressman Lincoln responds to a letter from his law partner William H. Herndon. Herndon and Lincoln differ on whether or not the Constitution granted power to President James K. Polk to enter into a war with Mexico. Lincoln contends that Congress has the "war-making power." He warns, "Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so, whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purposeā€”and you allow him to make war at pleasure." Lincoln adds, "your view . . . places our President where kings have always stood."Abraham Lincoln to William H. Herndon, 15 February 1848, CW, 1:451-52.

He votes on two roll calls on bill authorizing loan for prosecution of war.Globe.

National Intelligencer announces Lincoln and Douglas as Illinois managers of "Birth Night Ball" planned for February 22, 1848 to raise money for Washington Monument.