Results 1 entry found

Thursday, February 22, 1844.+-

Virginia, IL.

Whig meeting is held in court house in afternoon. Lincoln's speech in reply to Judge Pearson, dealing mainly with currency and bank issues, is applauded. Lincoln probably attends another meeting in evening.Sangamo Journal, 28 March 1844; Speeches in Virginia, Illinois, 22 February 1844, CW, 1:332-33.

A Virginia Van Buren man described Lincoln's speech in letter to "Register": " `Aunt Becky' felt it her duty to deliver herself of a soul stirring harangue. She opened her wise head—`broke up the fountains of the great deep' of natal depravity; and rained `a horrible tempest' of billingsgate, and vulgar party vituperation on the devoted head of Van Buren." After another speech, " `Aunt Becky' [Lincoln's 1842 nom de plume] kindly dismissed the coons till 9 o'clock next morning, when—dear old pious soul—she would like to hold a sort of love feast with them."Register, 15 March 1844.