Results 1 entry found

Monday, March 28, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

On the opening day of the Sangamon County Circuit Court, Logan & Lincoln participate in seven cases. Of the seven cases, the court orders three of them to be continued. Representing John Maguire, Logan & Lincoln obtain a judgment of $704.77 in Maguire v. Coflin. Representing the plaintiff in James Bell & Company v. Lockridge, Logan & Lincoln win a judgment of $312.09. They secure a divorce for plaintiff Solomon Goodman from Nancy Goodman in Goodman v. Goodman. They represent plaintiff Jacob C. Roll in Roll v. Hill, a chancery suit. Logan & Lincoln represent Thomas P. January and James Dunlap in Francis & Sanford v. January & Dunlap, and by agreement of the parties, the court sets a hearing for Thursday. Judgment, 28 March 1842, Maguire v. Coflin, Record G, 278; Judgment, 28 March 1842, James Bell & Company v. Lockridge, Record G, 286; Judgment, 28 March 1842, Goodman v. Goodman, Record G, 291; Decree, 28 March 1842, Roll v. Hill, Record G, 279; Order, 28 March 1842, Francis & Sanford v. January & Dunlap, Record G, 279, all in Sangamon County Circuit Court, Illinois Regional Archives Depository, University of Illinois at Springfield.

Someone, perhaps Lincoln, purchases $9.25 worth of merchandise from a Springfield store and charges it to Abraham Lincoln's account. Account of Abraham Lincoln (copy), 28 March 1842, Irwin & Corneau Account Book, 252, microfilm, IHi, Springfield, IL.