Results 19 entries found

Wednesday, March 1, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln acknowledges Thomas' letter and presents his petition.Abraham Lincoln to Richard S. Thomas, 1 March 1848, CW, 1:455; Journal.

"It now seems to be understood on all hands that the war is over—that the treaty sent in will be ratified," he writes to Jesse Fell of Bloomington.Abraham Lincoln to Jesse W. Fell, 1 March 1848, CW, 1:454-55.

He expresses same opinion in letter to Jesse Lynch of Magnolia.Privately Owned.

"National Birth-Night Ball," postponed out of respect for Adams, is held. Lincoln, a manager, probably attends.National Intelligencer.

Saturday, March 4, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln writes to Ignatius R. Simms, Jacksonville hotel keeper, enclosing documents for Simms' son, whose first name Lincoln cannot remember. Abraham Lincoln to Ignatius R. Simms, 4 March 1848, CW, 1:455.

Monday, March 6, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Congressman Lincoln responds to a request for some "family history" from Solomon Lincoln, of Massachusetts. Abraham writes that his grandfather Abraham moved from Virginia to Kentucky, where he was "killed by the indians." Abraham explains, "Owing to my father being left an orphan at the age of six years, in poverty, and in a new country, he became a wholly uneducated man." Abraham encourages Solomon to write to him again regardless of whether or not "you shall be able to trace any connection between youself and me."Abraham Lincoln to Solomon Lincoln, 6 March 1848, CW, 1:455-56.

He attends session of House.

Tuesday, March 7, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln votes against two amendments to deficiency appropriations bill and hears discussion of soldiers' bounty lands.Globe.

Wednesday, March 8, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln votes aye as deficiency appropriations bill is passed 137-15.Globe.

Thursday, March 9, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln reports bill from Committee on Post Office and Post Roads authorizing postmasters at county seats to receive subscriptions for newspapers and periodicals and permitting Post Office to act as agent in receiving payments. He also reports joint resolution for relief of H. M. Barney.Globe; Report to United States House of Representatives Concerning H. M. Barney, 9 March 1848, CW, 1:456-57.

Friday, March 10, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

House is "thrown into confusion by personal conflict between Mr. Haralson and Mr. G. W. Jones. . . . The collision was sudden and inexplicable. . . . Several members . . . promptly interposed and separated them." They finally shake hands and apologize to House, which accepts apology. Lincoln votes in favor of acceptance.Globe.

(Senate ratifies treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.)

Monday, March 13, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln votes aye on resolution directing speaker to improve seating facilities and desks of House and to provide tribune for speakers. It passes. He votes to table resolution looking to amendment to Constitution whereby tenure of Federal judges would be limited to years instead of during good behavior. It is tabled.Globe.

Thursday, March 16, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

House debates motion to reconsider resolution directing printing of 10,000 copies of abstract of war contracts let by administration. Democrats, fearing Whigs will use document to "fix upon the present Administration the charge of fraud," oppose printing. Lincoln votes against reconsideration. Motion is defeated, 93-78.Globe; Journal.

Friday, March 17, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln answers two roll calls. House considers private bills and debates resolution to print 90,000 copies of report of commissioner of patents.Journal.

Monday, March 20, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

After receiving resolutions and executive communications, House goes into Committee of Whole to consider bill granting appropriations for Indian Department. Lincoln attends session.Journal.

Wednesday, March 22, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln writes to Usher F. Linder, of Coles County, Illinois. Linder expressed concern about Lincoln's criticism of President James K. Polk's prosecution of the recently-ended war with Mexico. Linder suggested that some might equate criticism of the war with criticism of the soldiers, in particular, General Zachary Taylor. Lincoln disagrees, and argues, "There are in this H[ouse]. [of] R[epresentatives]. some more than forty members who support Genl. Taylor for the Presidency, every one of whom has voted that the war was 'unnecessarily and unconstitutionally commenced by the President' every one of whom has spoken to the same effect, who has spoken at all, and not one of whom supposes he thereby strips Genl. [Taylor] of any laurels." Abraham Lincoln to Usher F. Linder, 22 March 1848, CW, 1:457-58.

Thursday, March 23, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

House passes bill allowing $138, balance of pay and mileage due J. W. Hornbeck, late member of House, to his widow. Lincoln twice votes against motions to grant additional allowances for funeral expenses. Both are rejected.Journal.

House begins consideration of Senate amendments to deficiency appropriation bill.Globe.

Friday, March 24, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

James McDowell, former Governor of Virginia, member of House, has suggested to Lincoln that David Lincoln of Virginia may be related. Lincoln writes to him asking for information on family. He writes another letter concerning his family to Solomon Lincoln, who has written again.Abraham Lincoln to David Lincoln, 24 March 1848, CW, 1:459; Abraham Lincoln to Solomon Lincoln, 24 March 1848, CW, 1:459-60.

Saturday, March 25, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

House takes up private calendar. It also receives majority and minority reports of Committee on Elections, which is examining claims of James Monroe and D. S. Jackson to seat of 6th Congressional District of New York. Lincoln attends session.Globe; Journal.

Monday, March 27, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln votes against motion to take from table and refer to Committee on Military Affairs Senate bill for raising ten additional regiments of regular troops. It fails.Globe.

Wednesday, March 29, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln interviews J. A. McClernand, representative from Illinois, about petition concerning school lands he has received from R. S. Thomas. McClernand explains attitude of Committee on Public Lands, of which he is member. Lincoln speaks briefly on bill granting military bounty lands.Globe; Remarks in United States House of Representatives Concerning Military Bounty Lands, 29 March 1848, CW, 1:460-61.

Thursday, March 30, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln writes to R. S. Thomas recounting his conversation with McClernand.Abraham Lincoln to Richard S. Thomas, 30 March 1848, CW, 1:461.

Friday, March 31, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

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