Results 15 entries found

Thursday, January 1, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln buys $2.81 in merchandise. When Mrs. Lincoln needs two pieces of "Border," she sends neighbor, Edmund G. Johns, painter, to store. Irwin Journal and Ledger.

Monday, January 5, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln, Archibald Williams, E. Peck, W. H. Herndon, Lyman Trumbull, Thomas L. Harris, R. S. Blackwell, G. Edmunds, Jr., and W. I. Ferguson sign call for meeting of citizens Thursday evening to express their views on Louis Kossuth and revolution in Hungary. Register; Call for a Kossuth Meeting, 5 January 1852, CW, 2:115.

Thursday, January 8, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Palmer and Gillespie for plaintiffs and Lincoln and Blackwell for defendant try Tuller v. Voght, appeal from Jersey County, in Supreme Court. At 7 P.M. Kossuth meeting is held. Lincoln states purpose of meeting and he, Trumbull, and others speak. Lincoln is appointed to committee of seven to draw up resolutions. Register.

Mrs. Lincoln buys 2½ yards muslin (46¢) at John Williams' store. Pratt, Personal Finances, 145.

Friday, January 9, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln reports resolutions drawn up by committee. They express sympathy for Hungarian, Irish, and German revolutionists, denounce foreign intervention in domestic troubles, and assert that "it is the right of any people, sufficiently numerous for national independence, to throw off . . . their existing form of government, and to establish such other in its stead as they may choose." Register; Resolutions in Behalf of Hungarian Freedom, 9 January 1852, CW, 2:115-16.

Monday, January 12, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln and Blackwell lose Tuller v. Voght. Circuit court decided that Tuller was liable for $1,000 damages for broken leg sustained by Voght when he was knocked off his horse by coach and four driven by Tuller's coachman. Supreme Court reverses decision and remands case with permission to Voght to amend his declaration. Record; 13 Ill. 271-77.

Thursday, January 15, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

In Supreme Court Lincoln for plaintiff and Blackwell for defendant try Dorman et ux v. Yost, appeal from decree of White Circuit Court authorizing administrator to sell real estate of decendent. Lincoln writes and signs assignment of errors. Record; Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Friday, January 16, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Markley et al. v. Ellis (SC), appeal from McLean County, Lincoln and Trumbull for defense, Wead for plaintiff, is continued. Record; Photocopy.

Lincoln buys boots for Robert ($1.75) and 2¾ yards "Black Silk Nett" (56¢), and silk and ribbon ($2.87) Irwin Journal; Pratt, Personal Finances, 145.

Monday, January 19, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln wins his appeal in Dorman et ux. v. Yost when Supreme Court reverses decision of Circuit Court. Record; 13 Ill. 127-31.

Orville H. Browning of Quincy delivers lecture on "The Dignity of Labor" at Third Presbyterian Church. "After the lecture," he records in his Diary, "went to Mr. Lincoln's to supper."

Tuesday, January 20, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

On January 22, 1852, Lincoln writes to Hezekiah Morse Wead, Lewistown attorney, about case in federal court. "We finished arguing, and submitted the case yesterday afternoon, and it is not yet decided. We had a two days trial of it." He is in U.S. Circuit Court. Abraham Lincoln to Hezekiah M. Wead, 22 January 1852, CW, 2:117.

Wednesday, January 21, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is busy in U.S. Circuit Court on Smith v. Gardner. Abraham Lincoln to Orville H. Browning, 26 January 1852, CW, 2:117-18.

Thursday, January 22, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is doubtful about outcome of case. "They are pressing us very hard on one or two points," he writes to Wead. "I should not wonder if the case is decided against us." Abraham Lincoln to Hezekiah M. Wead, 22 January 1852, CW, 2:117.

Saturday, January 24, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Judge Drummond gives his opinion in Peoria Bridge Case, tried in federal court December 19, 1851 and December 20, 1851. He decides that legislature has no right to authorize obstruction of navigable stream. Question whether Peoria bridge is, in fact, obstruction is to "be settled by testimony on trial." Register, 27 January 1852.

Case is later compromised. McLean's Reports, VI, 209.

Monday, January 26, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln and others sign call for meeting to invite Louis Kossuth to stop at Springfield on his way from Indianapolis to St. Louis. Meeting is held and Lincoln appointed to committee of 13 which is instructed to request city council to extend invitation. Illinois Journal, 30 January 1852; Call for Kossuth Meeting, 26 January 1852, CW, 2:118.

Lincoln writes to O. H. Browning about case of Smith v. Gardner, decided against him on two points, which he states. Abraham Lincoln to Orville H. Browning, 26 January 1852, CW, 2:117-18.

Tuesday, January 27, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Kossuth meeting reconvenes. When chairman calls for committee's report, none of its members is present "although it appeared that everybody else was here." Virgil Hickox suggests that members of committee may have feared expense would devolve on them. On motion of John Calhoun, another committee is appointed to extend invitation. Lincoln is on it. Illinois Journal, 30 January 1852.

Thursday, January 29, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Committee appointed to invite Kossuth to Springfield is called to meet at 4 o'clock at office of secretary of state. Illinois Journal, 30 January 1852.