Results 28 entries found

Sunday, January 1, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

[Lincoln returns to New Salem during early part of week, or is too ill to attend House sessions, or is busy in committee.]

Monday, January 2, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

[Lincoln's name does not appear in proceedings.House Journal.]

Tuesday, January 3, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

[Lincoln's name does not appear in proceedings.House Journal.]

Wednesday, January 4, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

[Lincoln's name does not appear in proceedings.House Journal.]

Thursday, January 5, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

[Lincoln's name does not appear in proceedings. No roll calls are taken.House Journal.]

Friday, January 6, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln votes nay on tabling Senate resolution for employing "Vandalia Free Press" to print bills and documents. This attempt of Whig Senate to take some of state printing from Democratic "Illinois Advocate" is turned down in House 64 to 12.House Journal.

Saturday, January 7, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Linder of Coles introduces resolutions for sweeping investigation of Bank of Illinois in Springfield. House orders 150 copies printed, Lincoln voting yea. House orders engrossed for third reading bill making clerks of county commissioners' courts and county treasurers elective.House Journal.

Sunday, January 8, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

[Rev. Josephus Hewett addresses members of legislature and citizens of Vandalia in House.House Journal.]

Monday, January 9, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Report of Committee on Internal Improvements is presented by Smith of Wabash. Lincoln votes nay on resolution to print 4,000 copies; it is adopted 57 to 26. House refuses use of hall to citizens of Vandalia to celebrate Jackson's victory at New Orleans.House Journal.

Tuesday, January 10, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Dougherty of Union proposes resolution requesting governor to furnish House with list of pardoned convicts. Lincoln votes nay on resolution, which is lost 39 to 42.House Journal.

Wednesday, January 11, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Linder brings up his resolutions demanding investigation of state bank. Lincoln leads opposition in long speech directed at Linder and deprecating any investigation. He denies he is special advocate of bank, but he will oppose any move to injure bank's credit.House Journal; Speech in the Illinois Legislature Concerning the State Bank, 11 January 1837, CW, 1:61-69.

Thursday, January 12, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln's name does not appear in proceedings, but he is probably present to hear report on antiabolitionist memorials from six states. Report deplores slavery but denounces abolitionists for scattering "fire brands of discord and disunion."House Journal.

Friday, January 13, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln votes on one roll call. Gov. Duncan transmits printed report of commissioners of Illinois and Michigan Canal.House Journal.

Saturday, January 14, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Judge and two prosecuting attorneys are elected. J. H. Ralston is elected judge of fifth judicial circuit over W. A. Minshall and G. P. W. Maxwell. Lincoln votes for S. H. Little for prosecuting attorney of fifth circuit. H. L. Bryant is elected. A. C. French gets Lincoln's vote and is elected, 107 to 15, prosecuting attorney of fourth circuit over G. B. Shelledy.House Journal.

Monday, January 16, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln presents petition and remonstrance against relocation of part of state road from Springfield to Lewiston, and petition on Beardstown and Sangamon Canal. Both are referred to Committee on Petitions. In joint session, legislature elects auditor, treasurer, attorney general, public printer, and penitentiary warden.House Journal.

Tuesday, January 17, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Resolution of Carpenter of Hamilton "that no business shall be received in either House after Monday the 6th of February; and that the General Assembly adjourn sine die on Thursday the 16th of February next" is tabled 51 to 26, Lincoln voting yea.House Journal.

Wednesday, January 18, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Linder of Coles moves to amend his bank resolutions and substitute House committee of five to investigate bank. Hardin of Morgan moves to amend by having investigation made by joint select committee. Lincoln votes yea, but Hardin's motion is defeated.House Journal.

Thursday, January 19, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln calls for vote on Linder's resolution and it is defeated. Senate resolution for investigation of Springfield and Shawneetown banks is adopted with minor amendments. Lincoln continues to oppose investigation.House Journal.

Friday, January 20, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

House takes up committee report on slavery resolutions. To resolution stating that Congress has power to deal with slavery in District of Columbia, but should do nothing, Lincoln proposes amendment: "Unless the people of said district petition for the same." Amendment is lost.House Journal.

Saturday, January 21, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Committee of Whole House discusses "an act to encourage the killing of wolves." Proposal to have bounty paid by county instead of state is lost. Lincoln votes for this amendment and against reduction of bounty. Amendment to Illinois and Michigan Canal act is given second reading and ordered printed.House Journal.

State road bill in Lincoln's hand is introduced by McMurtry of Warren, Knox, and Henry. Bill Introduced in Illinois Legislature to Establish a State Road from Peoria to Hendersonville, [21 January 1837], CW, 1:69-70.

Monday, January 23, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln, Dawson, and McCormick of Sangamon are appointed select committee to take up road petition. Discussion begins on internal improvement bill. Lincoln votes yea on $50,000 appropriation for improvement of Big Muddy; $320,000 to build railroad from Bloomington to Pekin, and nay on submitting improvement bill to people.House Journal.

Tuesday, January 24, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

House debates internal improvement bill. Lincoln votes yea on amendments adding improvements, and against motion to donate, out of first money obtained by loans under act, grant of $25,000 to each county for schools.House Journal.

Wednesday, January 25, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln votes nay on "act to encourage the killing of wolves." Douglas reports "an act for the formation of the county of Coffee." Bill is denied further consideration, 34 to 33, Lincoln voting yea. [Bill later passed. Coffee was to be set off from portions of Stark and Peoria counties, but was never organized.]House Journal.

Thursday, January 26, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln, Murphy of Vermilion, and Dairman of Pope are appointed select committee to consider act declaring certain streams navigable. Lincoln calls for vote on amendment to bill for construction of railroad from Naples to Jacksonville.House Journal.

Friday, January 27, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

On Lincoln's motion, bill for state road from Jacksonville to Syracuse and Bloomington is read second time and referred to select committee of Lincoln, Stuart of Sangamon, and Hinshaw of McLean.House Journal.

Saturday, January 28, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln votes yea on tabling bill for distribution of state school fund among counties, according to number of children under 20 years of age. Motion is lost 61 to 9.House Journal.

Monday, January 30, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln reports from select committee, with amendments, bill for state road from Jacksonville to Syracuse and Bloomington. Bill is ordered engrossed for third reading. He votes yea on two amendments designed to add miles of railroad to internal improvement bill.House Journal; Amendments to Bill Introduced in Illinois Legislature to Establish a State Road from Jacksonville to Syracuse and Bloomington, [30 January 1837], CW, 1:70.

Tuesday, January 31, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Amendment to act incorporating Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Co., reserving to legislature right to alter, amend, or repeal act, is lost, 46 nays, 36 yeas. Lincoln votes nay. Internal improvement bill passes House, 61 to 25. Seven Sangamon representatives vote for bill. House Journal.