Results 18 entries found

Tuesday, May 22, 1832.+-

En route to Kishwaukee River.

Gen. Atkinson, with regulars, returns to Dixon's Ferry, general headquarters and base of operations. Col. Zachary Taylor is ordered to accompany volunteers as inspector general, and to "superintend their movements, order of encampment, of battle, etc." Capt. W. S. Harney is sent along as assistant inspector. Gen. Whiteside with 1,400 men marches 10 miles northeast to Kishwaukee River.Atkinson Letter Book, Black Hawk War Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL; Stevens, Black Hawk War, 161.

Wednesday, May 22, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and signs "Stuart & Lincoln" to declaration, praecipe, and reply to answer in Jacob Forsyth & Co. v. May & Truett.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Friday, May 22, 1840+-

Clinton, IL.

In Ex parte Fruit and Walker, the administrators of the estate of John McGee, deceased, petition to sell real estate. The judge appoints Lincoln guardian ad litem for McGee's minor children. Lincoln files answer, "knowing no reason why the petition should not be granted." In People v. Turner, Lincoln, Douglas, and Benedict represent Spencer Turner who is indicted for the murder of Matthew K. Martin. Lincoln writes and files a plea in Pratt v. Lowry, and the judge later decided the case in favor of the plaintiff. Record; Photocopy.

Monday, May 22, 1843.+-

Taylorville, IL.

Logan & Lincoln have three cases dismissed and one continued at one-day term of Christian Circuit Court. Rountree and Lincoln have one case continued. In People v. Langley et al., two indictments for riot, state's attorney drops one and gets jury verdict in other. Court fines Langley $20 and each of three other defendants $5. Rountree and Lincoln appear for defendants.Record.

Wednesday, May 22, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Sangamon County citizens interested in annexation of Texas meet in evening at state house to consider letters of Clay, Van Buren, and Benton on subject. Lincoln makes first speech, agreeing with these men that annexation on Tyler's plan is inexpedient. W. L. D. Ewing introduces resolutions favorable to President's plan.Sangamo Journal, 6 June 1844.

Thursday, May 22, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln's account is debited $1 for cotton umbrella.Irwin Ledger and Journal.

Saturday, May 22, 1847.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Meeting of citizens considers railroad from Springfield to Alton. Committee is appointed to prepare address showing advantages of project. Delegates are selected to attend River and Harbor Convention at Chicago July 5, 1847-July 7, 1847. Lincoln is not appointed delegate at this meeting, which indicates his probable absence. Later, having bought stock, he is added to delegate list and goes to Chicago.]

Monday, May 22, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

After reading "Journal," House adjourns until May 25, 1848 to permit laying carpets.Globe.

[Democratic National Convention meets in Baltimore.]

Tuesday, May 22, 1849.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is granted patent on device for lifting boats over shoals. DNA—File No. 6469.

[He applied March 10, 1849. Application for Patent on an Improved Method of Lifting Vessels over Shoals, 10 March 1849, CW, 2:32-36.]

Monday, May 22, 1854.+-

Urbana, IL.

Champaign Circuit Court commences spring session. "In attendance was a very respectable number of legal gentlemen of this section of Illinois. We noticed Messrs. Lincoln and Campbell, of Springfield, Messrs. Swett, Scott and Gridley of Bloomington; and Messrs. Davis, Drake and Lamon of Danville." Urbana Union, 1 June 1854.

[House of Representatives passes Kansas-Nebraska bill.]

Tuesday, May 22, 1855.+-

Urbana, IL.

Lincoln writes injunction bond in Robinson v. Brown, which George W. Brown and Edward Ate sign. Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Thursday, May 22, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

Chiniquy case monopolizes court until evening, when term ends. Jury fails to bring verdict and is discharged. Urbana Union, 29 May 1856.

So little business has been transacted that special term of court is called for next month. Urbana Union, 22 May 1856.

Saturday, May 22, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

In U.S. Circuit Court Lincoln files praecipe in S. C. Davis & Co. v. Monical & Son. Files.

He writes William H. Davenport about state of Davenport's land case in Vermilion Circuit Court. Abraham Lincoln to William H. Davenport, 22 May 1858, CW, 2:454-55.

Sunday, May 22, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln draws up praecipe in Gaylord, Son & Co. v. Lansing & Ostrom for U.S. Circuit Court. At bottom of sheet he writes: "Mr. Herndon, please file this in the morning." Herndon does so. Files.

Tuesday, May 22, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to his longtime friend Joshua Speed, of Louisville, Kentucky, in response to Speed's letter congratulating Lincoln on winning the Republican Party's nomination for president. Speed referred to himself as Lincoln's "warm personal friend, though as you are perhaps aware a political opponent." Speed invited Lincoln to Kentucky and intimated, "My wife is warmly for you." Lincoln replies, "I would like to see Kentucky generally, and you in particular; and yet I suppose it will scarcely be prudent for me to leave home much, if any." Lincoln is not surprised that "Mrs. Speed is for me—with her nature and views, she could not well be otherwise." Lincoln invites the Speeds to "visit us here." Joshua F. Speed to Abraham Lincoln, 19 May 1860, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; Abraham Lincoln to Joshua Speed, 22 May 1860, CW, 10:53-54.

Wednesday, May 22, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President writes Gov. Morgan (N.Y.): "I wish to see you face to face to clear these difficulties about forwarding troops from New York." Abraham Lincoln to Edwin D. Morgan, 22 May 1861, CW, 4:382.

Around noon, President Lincoln participates in a flag-raising ceremony at Washington, D. C.'s General Post Office building. He remarks, "I . . . shall take pleasure in performing the part assigned me upon this occasion, and I hope in a satisfactory manner." A newspaper reports, "The ropes . . . were then placed in the hands of the President, when, amid the most deafening applause from the crowd below, the flag was raised to its prominent position. . . . [The flag] remained for a moment or two motionless, when suddenly, a gentle wind rising from the north, its ample folds were extended . . . in a most graceful and beautiful manner, eliciting one universal outburst of applause from the assembled multitude." Sun (Baltimore, MD), 22 May 1861, 4:1; Remarks at Raising of the Flag over the General Post Office Building, 22 May 1861, CW, 4:382-83; New York Herald, 23 May 1861, 1:2-3; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 22 May 1861, 3:1.

Thursday, May 22, 1862.+-

Washington, DC and En route to Fredericksburg, VA.

President forwards to House of Representatives information on Faris-el-Hakin case of indemnity for maltreatment. Abraham Lincoln to the House of Representatives, 22 May 1862, CW, 5:229.

With General James S. Wadsworth reviews the Thomas A. Scott regiment of cavalry, 900 men armed with Colt's revolving carbines and pistols. National Republican (Washington, DC), 23 May 1862, 1:7.

Accompanied by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton and Commander Dahlgren embarks for visit to army at Fredericksburg. David C. Mearns, "Lincoln," in Arthur E. Bestor, Three Presidents and Their Books: The Reading of Jefferson, Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1955), 80; Extracts from Dahlgren Diary, John G. Nicolay Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Writes memorandum relative to appointment of Lt. Col. Hicks: "This note, as Col. Hicks did verbally yesterday, attempts to excite me against the Secretary of War, and therein is offensive to me. My 'order' as he is pleased to call it, is plainly no order at all." Memorandum: Appointment of George Montagu Hicks, 22 May 1862, CW, 5:229.

Friday, May 22, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

In the afternoon, President Lincoln is in the East Room of the White House, where he meets with "20 or 30 one-legged soldiers." Chaplain J. C. Richmond accompanies the St. Elizabeth's Hospital veterans, and he notes, "These maimed heroes, sir, are eloquent without uttering a word. The limbs that are absent speak more loudly than the arms and legs that are here." A newspaper reports, "The President shook hands with all of them, calling them 'my boys,' and congratulating them on their brave and noble deeds." Remarks to "The One-Legged Brigade", 22 May 1863, CW, 6:226-27; Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), 25 May 1863, 1:6; Chicago Daily Tribune (IL), 23 May 1863, 1:2.

President Lincoln writes to commanding officer for the District of Memphis Major General Stephen A. Hurlbut, and reports on what he is reading in the "Richmond [Virginia] newspapers" about the battles taking place near Vicksburg, Mississippi. Confederate Generals John C. Pemberton, William W. Loring, and Joseph E. Johnston, whom Lincoln mistakenly refers to as "Johnson," are trying to defend Vicksburg against Union General Ulysses S. Grant's attacks. Lincoln writes, "Grant beat Pemberton & Loring near Edwards' Station, at the end of a nine hours fight, driving Pemberton over the Big Black [Bridge] & cutting Loring off, & driving him South to Chrystal-Springs...Joe Johnson telegraphed all this, except about Loring, from his camp between Brownsville & Lexington, on the 18th." Abraham Lincoln to Stephen A. Hurlbut, 22 May 1863, CW, 6:226.